What is JupyterLab?

  • interactive python/R programming env

  • use the computationable power from our HPC

  • access the HPC data directly

Common usage

  • create a python/R notebook

  • create table of content and cell tags

  • [navigation] go to my data dir and start analysis

  • is my notebook running?

  • some hotkeys

Data analysis using Pandas

  • read_csv(), head(), sample(), shape(), columns

  • df.isnull().any().any()

  • sort_values()

  • value_counts()

  • describe()

  • groupby()

  • min(),max(),std(),median()

  • subset dataframe

  • to_csv()

Example Data: several clinicl measurements of 48 Type 2 diabetes patients and 48 normal individuals

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YichaoOU/Data_Science_Tutorials/master/LTC_selected_features.csv",sep=",")

read data

SampleID Peptide_27 Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l) HbA1c Fasting_plasma_insulin_(pmol/l) C-Peptide_(nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free_fatty_acids_(mmol/l) Class
0 3 10.42 4.73 6.5 121.4 1.63 3.7 1.03 1
1 5 102.86 7.16 7.6 226.0 1.11 10.4 0.98 1
2 6 9.84 5.06 4.9 39.7 0.75 1.3 0.35 0
3 7 41.03 5.35 6.3 203.3 2.02 7.0 1.17 1
4 8 12.30 5.37 5.6 50.8 1.19 1.7 0.32 0
SampleID Peptide_27 Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l) HbA1c Fasting_plasma_insulin_(pmol/l) C-Peptide_(nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free_fatty_acids_(mmol/l) Class
9 13 27.82 5.67 5.8 79.8 1.27 2.9 0.19 0
88 92 11.74 4.90 5.0 135.3 1.04 4.2 0.28 0
60 64 114.61 18.74 10.5 207.0 1.00 24.8 1.16 1
Index(['SampleID', 'Peptide_27', 'Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l)', 'HbA1c',
       'Fasting_plasma_insulin_(pmol/l)', 'C-Peptide_(nmol/l)', 'HOMA-IR',
       'Free_fatty_acids_(mmol/l)', 'Class'],

get some statistics from data

SampleID Peptide_27 Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l) HbA1c Fasting_plasma_insulin_(pmol/l) C-Peptide_(nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free_fatty_acids_(mmol/l) Class
count 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000
mean 51.541667 33.570208 6.711146 6.248958 155.566667 1.488632 7.240625 0.630937 0.500000
std 27.961596 23.398125 2.734147 1.455515 141.817693 0.778423 7.617384 0.343940 0.502625
min 3.000000 2.630000 3.800000 4.300000 15.000000 0.310000 0.500000 0.150000 0.000000
25% 27.750000 15.597500 5.037500 5.300000 64.550000 0.935000 2.200000 0.340000 0.000000
50% 51.500000 27.280000 5.670000 5.750000 112.600000 1.235000 4.100000 0.550000 0.500000
75% 75.250000 46.885000 7.352500 6.625000 199.775000 1.845000 10.125000 0.940000 1.000000
max 100.000000 114.610000 18.740000 10.900000 783.000000 4.180000 45.300000 1.350000 1.000000
df = df.sort_values("HbA1c",ascending=False)
SampleID Peptide_27 Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l) HbA1c Fasting_plasma_insulin_(pmol/l) C-Peptide_(nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free_fatty_acids_(mmol/l) Class
55 59 55.81 9.71 10.9 212.0 2.26 13.2 0.39 1
19 23 53.11 8.24 10.8 242.0 2.42 12.8 0.83 1
62 66 23.47 10.13 10.7 143.1 1.02 9.3 0.92 1
60 64 114.61 18.74 10.5 207.0 1.00 24.8 1.16 1
85 89 56.46 9.89 9.1 178.2 0.94 11.3 1.17 1
0    48
1    48
dtype: int64
(96, 9)
SampleID Peptide_27 Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l) HbA1c Fasting_plasma_insulin_(pmol/l) C-Peptide_(nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free_fatty_acids_(mmol/l)
0 53.354167 21.965417 5.321667 5.345833 79.208333 1.103513 2.679167 0.391042
1 49.729167 45.175000 8.100625 7.152083 231.925000 1.873750 11.802083 0.870833
SampleID Peptide_27 Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l) HbA1c Fasting_plasma_insulin_(pmol/l) C-Peptide_(nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free_fatty_acids_(mmol/l) Class
55 59 55.81 9.71 10.9 212.0 2.26 13.2 0.39 1
19 23 53.11 8.24 10.8 242.0 2.42 12.8 0.83 1
62 66 23.47 10.13 10.7 143.1 1.02 9.3 0.92 1
60 64 114.61 18.74 10.5 207.0 1.00 24.8 1.16 1
85 89 56.46 9.89 9.1 178.2 0.94 11.3 1.17 1
89 93 18.06 7.39 6.5 88.9 1.22 4.2 0.35 0
65 69 43.86 6.26 6.0 69.2 1.20 2.8 0.22 0
43 47 11.36 6.67 5.9 58.2 0.89 2.5 0.36 0
35 39 32.81 5.68 5.9 102.4 1.03 3.7 0.27 0
6 10 25.75 5.67 5.8 67.1 0.94 2.4 0.26 0

subset data

df_undiagnosed = df[df['HbA1c']<6.5]
0    47
1    18
Name: Class, dtype: int64
0    0.723077
1    0.276923
Name: Class, dtype: float64
data2 = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YichaoOU/Data_Science_Tutorials/master/newly_diagnosed.csv"


Read this table as Pandas object

df2 = pd.read_csv(data2,sep=",")
Sample ID Peptide 1 Peptide 2 Peptide 3 Peptide 4 Peptide 5 Peptide 6 Peptide 7 Peptide 8 Peptide 9 ... TSH (mU/l) fT3 (pmol/l) fT4 (pmol/l) Cortisol (nmol/l) Testosteron (nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free fatty acids (mmol/l) RRsys (mmHg) RR dia (mmHg) ssCRP (mg/dl)
0 sample 2 33.58 7.18 9.35 3.57 94.44 14.91 153.05 35.52 9.76 ... 0.72 5.23 21.5 NaN NaN 7.2 0.30 NaN NaN 0.48
1 sample 3 37.57 8.70 10.79 3.36 94.11 15.99 198.88 39.65 8.62 ... 0.97 NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.3 1.04 NaN NaN 7.15
2 sample 4 27.31 5.42 5.64 2.75 67.01 11.91 148.32 28.90 5.64 ... 1.02 5.01 17.6 NaN NaN 9.1 0.37 NaN NaN NaN
3 sample 5 29.09 5.81 4.69 3.61 65.99 12.42 154.55 26.48 6.38 ... 1.00 4.61 15.7 NaN NaN 24.5 0.99 168.0 95.0 0.20
4 sample 6 41.13 8.40 8.85 3.56 109.13 17.60 209.62 44.35 10.43 ... 1.30 5.43 19.2 NaN NaN 11.1 0.54 165.0 84.0 0.30

5 rows × 69 columns

What are the features (columns) in this dataset?

Index(['Sample ID', 'Peptide 1', 'Peptide 2', 'Peptide 3', 'Peptide 4',
       'Peptide 5', 'Peptide 6', 'Peptide 7', 'Peptide 8', 'Peptide 9',
       'Peptide 10', 'Peptide 11', 'Peptide 12', 'Peptide 13', 'Peptide 14',
       'Peptide 15', 'Peptide 16', 'Peptide 17', 'Peptide 18', 'Peptide 21',
       'Peptide 22', 'Peptide 23', 'Peptide 24', 'Peptide 25', 'Peptide 26',
       'Peptide 27', 'Peptide 29', 'Peptide 30', 'Age', 'Diagnosis', 'BMI',
       'HbA1c (%)', 'Gender', 'Height', 'Body weight', 'BMI.1', 'Body fat',
       'Fat free mass', 'Waist', 'Hip', 'WHR', 'Hemoglobin', 'Erythrozyten',
       'Thrombozyten', 'Leukocytes', 'ALAT', 'ASAT', 'gGT',
       'Fasting plasma glucose (mmol/l)', 'Fasting plasma insulin (pmol/l)',
       'C-Peptide (nmol/l)', 'Proinsulin (pmol/l)', 'Creatinin',
       'Triglycerides (mmol/l)', 'Cholesterol total (mmol/l)',
       'HDL-Cholesterol (mmol/l)', 'LDL-Cholesterol (mmol/l)',
       'Proteins total (g/l)', 'Albumin (g/l)', 'TSH (mU/l)', 'fT3 (pmol/l)',
       'fT4 (pmol/l)', 'Cortisol (nmol/l)', 'Testosteron (nmol/l)', 'HOMA-IR',
       'Free fatty acids (mmol/l)', 'RRsys (mmHg)', 'RR dia (mmHg)',
       'ssCRP (mg/dl)'],

What are the maximum and minimum values for HbA1c? Are they the same as the first dataset?

df2['HbA1c (%)'].min()

df2['HbA1c (%)'].max()

Does our data have NaN values?

df2[df2.isnull().any(axis=1)] # any rows containing NaN
Sample ID Peptide 1 Peptide 2 Peptide 3 Peptide 4 Peptide 5 Peptide 6 Peptide 7 Peptide 8 Peptide 9 ... TSH (mU/l) fT3 (pmol/l) fT4 (pmol/l) Cortisol (nmol/l) Testosteron (nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free fatty acids (mmol/l) RRsys (mmHg) RR dia (mmHg) ssCRP (mg/dl)
0 sample 2 33.58 7.18 9.35 3.57 94.44 14.91 153.05 35.52 9.76 ... 0.72 5.23 21.5 NaN NaN 7.2 0.30 NaN NaN 0.48
1 sample 3 37.57 8.70 10.79 3.36 94.11 15.99 198.88 39.65 8.62 ... 0.97 NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.3 1.04 NaN NaN 7.15
2 sample 4 27.31 5.42 5.64 2.75 67.01 11.91 148.32 28.90 5.64 ... 1.02 5.01 17.6 NaN NaN 9.1 0.37 NaN NaN NaN
3 sample 5 29.09 5.81 4.69 3.61 65.99 12.42 154.55 26.48 6.38 ... 1.00 4.61 15.7 NaN NaN 24.5 0.99 168.0 95.0 0.20
4 sample 6 41.13 8.40 8.85 3.56 109.13 17.60 209.62 44.35 10.43 ... 1.30 5.43 19.2 NaN NaN 11.1 0.54 165.0 84.0 0.30
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
91 Sample 96 26.08 3.54 0.68 0.05 29.46 9.27 142.70 18.61 2.49 ... 3.84 NaN NaN 20.30 117.00 0.8 0.44 130.0 80.0 5.50
92 Sample 97 17.72 2.28 0.64 0.01 19.22 7.37 102.24 13.22 1.61 ... 0.63 NaN NaN 9.73 208.00 5.0 0.36 NaN NaN NaN
93 Sample 98 17.70 2.23 0.59 0.01 18.47 5.80 103.94 13.67 1.65 ... 1.36 NaN NaN 9.03 56.00 2.7 0.39 NaN NaN NaN
94 Sample 99 26.57 3.33 0.71 0.07 27.69 8.31 137.81 20.68 2.99 ... 0.71 NaN NaN NaN 1.49 4.6 0.76 NaN NaN 0.08
95 Sample 100 25.26 3.40 0.64 0.05 27.47 8.72 138.50 19.72 2.54 ... 3.34 NaN NaN 11.50 93.00 4.7 0.35 NaN NaN 19.50

96 rows × 69 columns

df2[df2.columns[df2.isnull().any(axis=0)]] # any columns containing NaN
Body fat Fat free mass Waist Hip WHR Hemoglobin Erythrozyten Thrombozyten Leukocytes ALAT ... Proteins total (g/l) Albumin (g/l) TSH (mU/l) fT3 (pmol/l) fT4 (pmol/l) Cortisol (nmol/l) Testosteron (nmol/l) RRsys (mmHg) RR dia (mmHg) ssCRP (mg/dl)
0 32.7 73.4 NaN NaN NaN 8.3 4.32 216.0 7.4 0.29 ... 70.8 NaN 0.72 5.23 21.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.48
1 33.9 NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.9 5.44 180.0 5.9 1.40 ... NaN NaN 0.97 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.15
2 33.8 NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.9 4.68 169.0 5.4 0.55 ... 66.1 NaN 1.02 5.01 17.6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.5 4.83 237.0 6.6 0.57 ... 72.1 NaN 1.00 4.61 15.7 NaN NaN 168.0 95.0 0.20
4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.65 ... 76.3 NaN 1.30 5.43 19.2 NaN NaN 165.0 84.0 0.30
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
91 28.0 73.6 NaN NaN NaN 10.1 5.28 170.0 8.5 0.65 ... 67.9 43.6 3.84 NaN NaN 20.30 117.00 130.0 80.0 5.50
92 37.9 81.2 NaN NaN NaN 7.4 4.18 395.0 10.1 0.30 ... NaN NaN 0.63 NaN NaN 9.73 208.00 NaN NaN NaN
93 36.8 79.5 NaN NaN NaN 9.1 4.76 172.0 7.8 0.43 ... NaN NaN 1.36 NaN NaN 9.03 56.00 NaN NaN NaN
94 46.9 66.7 135.0 137.0 0.99 8.3 4.84 196.0 5.9 0.43 ... NaN NaN 0.71 NaN NaN NaN 1.49 NaN NaN 0.08
95 30.6 90.4 NaN NaN NaN 8.5 4.61 219.0 3.7 1.16 ... NaN NaN 3.34 NaN NaN 11.50 93.00 NaN NaN 19.50

96 rows × 28 columns

How many diabetic patents will be undiagnosed using HbA1c < 6.5?

df2_undiagnosed = df2[df2['HbA1c (%)']<6.5]
NGT    48
T2D    23
Name: Diagnosis, dtype: int64
NGT    0.676056
T2D    0.323944
Name: Diagnosis, dtype: float64

Save the undiagnosed table as “happy_learning.csv”

Data visualization using Seaborn and many other libraries

  • scatter plot

  • barplot

  • boxplot

  • violin plot

  • beeswarm plot

Scatter plots

import seaborn as sns
Index(['SampleID', 'Peptide_27', 'Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l)', 'HbA1c',
       'Fasting_plasma_insulin_(pmol/l)', 'C-Peptide_(nmol/l)', 'HOMA-IR',
       'Free_fatty_acids_(mmol/l)', 'Class'],
sns.scatterplot(data = df,x="HbA1c",y="Peptide_27")
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='HbA1c', ylabel='Peptide_27'>
sns.scatterplot(data = df,x="HbA1c",y="Peptide_27",hue="Class")
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='HbA1c', ylabel='Peptide_27'>
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
sns.scatterplot(data = df,x="HbA1c",y="Peptide_27",hue="Class")
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2aad6a85d6d0>
sns.scatterplot(data = df,x="HbA1c",y="Peptide_27",hue="Class")
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2aad6aa23130>
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.io as pio
pio.renderers.default = "iframe"
SampleID Peptide_27 Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l) HbA1c Fasting_plasma_insulin_(pmol/l) C-Peptide_(nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free_fatty_acids_(mmol/l) Class
0 3 10.42 4.73 6.5 121.4 1.63 3.7 1.03 1
1 5 102.86 7.16 7.6 226.0 1.11 10.4 0.98 1
2 6 9.84 5.06 4.9 39.7 0.75 1.3 0.35 0
3 7 41.03 5.35 6.3 203.3 2.02 7.0 1.17 1
4 8 12.30 5.37 5.6 50.8 1.19 1.7 0.32 0

interactive scatter plot

px.scatter(data_frame = df,x="HbA1c",y="Peptide_27",color="Class",hover_data=["SampleID"])

SampleID Peptide_27 Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l) HbA1c Fasting_plasma_insulin_(pmol/l) C-Peptide_(nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free_fatty_acids_(mmol/l) Class
count 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000 96.000000
mean 51.541667 33.570208 6.711146 6.248958 155.566667 1.488632 7.240625 0.630937 0.500000
std 27.961596 23.398125 2.734147 1.455515 141.817693 0.778423 7.617384 0.343940 0.502625
min 3.000000 2.630000 3.800000 4.300000 15.000000 0.310000 0.500000 0.150000 0.000000
25% 27.750000 15.597500 5.037500 5.300000 64.550000 0.935000 2.200000 0.340000 0.000000
50% 51.500000 27.280000 5.670000 5.750000 112.600000 1.235000 4.100000 0.550000 0.500000
75% 75.250000 46.885000 7.352500 6.625000 199.775000 1.845000 10.125000 0.940000 1.000000
max 100.000000 114.610000 18.740000 10.900000 783.000000 4.180000 45.300000 1.350000 1.000000


plot_df = df.melt(id_vars=['Class'],value_vars = ['Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l)','HbA1c'])
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='variable', ylabel='value'>
df_norm = df/df.max(axis=0)
SampleID Peptide_27 Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l) HbA1c Fasting_plasma_insulin_(pmol/l) C-Peptide_(nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free_fatty_acids_(mmol/l) Class
0 0.03 0.090917 0.252401 0.596330 0.155045 0.389952 0.081678 0.762963 1.0
1 0.05 0.897478 0.382070 0.697248 0.288633 0.265550 0.229581 0.725926 1.0
2 0.06 0.085856 0.270011 0.449541 0.050702 0.179426 0.028698 0.259259 0.0
3 0.07 0.357997 0.285486 0.577982 0.259642 0.483254 0.154525 0.866667 1.0
4 0.08 0.107320 0.286553 0.513761 0.064879 0.284689 0.037528 0.237037 0.0
plot_df = df_norm.melt(id_vars=['Class'],value_vars =list(set(df_norm.columns)-set(['Class','SampleID'])) )
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='value', ylabel='variable'>


<AxesSubplot:xlabel='variable', ylabel='value'>


<AxesSubplot:xlabel='variable', ylabel='value'>

beeswarm plot

<AxesSubplot:xlabel='variable', ylabel='value'>

<AxesSubplot:xlabel='variable', ylabel='value'>

<AxesSubplot:xlabel='variable', ylabel='value'>
SampleID Peptide_27 Fasting_plasma_glucose_(mmol/l) HbA1c Fasting_plasma_insulin_(pmol/l) C-Peptide_(nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free_fatty_acids_(mmol/l) Class
0 3 10.42 4.73 6.5 121.4 1.63 3.7 1.03 1
1 5 102.86 7.16 7.6 226.0 1.11 10.4 0.98 1
2 6 9.84 5.06 4.9 39.7 0.75 1.3 0.35 0
3 7 41.03 5.35 6.3 203.3 2.02 7.0 1.17 1
4 8 12.30 5.37 5.6 50.8 1.19 1.7 0.32 0


Can we still use the same HbA1c and Peptide27 cutoff for the second data?

Index(['Sample ID', 'Peptide 1', 'Peptide 2', 'Peptide 3', 'Peptide 4',
       'Peptide 5', 'Peptide 6', 'Peptide 7', 'Peptide 8', 'Peptide 9',
       'Peptide 10', 'Peptide 11', 'Peptide 12', 'Peptide 13', 'Peptide 14',
       'Peptide 15', 'Peptide 16', 'Peptide 17', 'Peptide 18', 'Peptide 21',
       'Peptide 22', 'Peptide 23', 'Peptide 24', 'Peptide 25', 'Peptide 26',
       'Peptide 27', 'Peptide 29', 'Peptide 30', 'Age', 'Diagnosis', 'BMI',
       'HbA1c (%)', 'Gender', 'Height', 'Body weight', 'BMI.1', 'Body fat',
       'Fat free mass', 'Waist', 'Hip', 'WHR', 'Hemoglobin', 'Erythrozyten',
       'Thrombozyten', 'Leukocytes', 'ALAT', 'ASAT', 'gGT',
       'Fasting plasma glucose (mmol/l)', 'Fasting plasma insulin (pmol/l)',
       'C-Peptide (nmol/l)', 'Proinsulin (pmol/l)', 'Creatinin',
       'Triglycerides (mmol/l)', 'Cholesterol total (mmol/l)',
       'HDL-Cholesterol (mmol/l)', 'LDL-Cholesterol (mmol/l)',
       'Proteins total (g/l)', 'Albumin (g/l)', 'TSH (mU/l)', 'fT3 (pmol/l)',
       'fT4 (pmol/l)', 'Cortisol (nmol/l)', 'Testosteron (nmol/l)', 'HOMA-IR',
       'Free fatty acids (mmol/l)', 'RRsys (mmHg)', 'RR dia (mmHg)',
       'ssCRP (mg/dl)'],
sns.scatterplot(data = df2,x="HbA1c (%)",y="Peptide 27",hue="Diagnosis")
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2aab879ffd90>

what is the data distribution for each feature?

Sample ID Peptide 1 Peptide 2 Peptide 3 Peptide 4 Peptide 5 Peptide 6 Peptide 7 Peptide 8 Peptide 9 ... TSH (mU/l) fT3 (pmol/l) fT4 (pmol/l) Cortisol (nmol/l) Testosteron (nmol/l) HOMA-IR Free fatty acids (mmol/l) RRsys (mmHg) RR dia (mmHg) ssCRP (mg/dl)
0 sample 2 33.58 7.18 9.35 3.57 94.44 14.91 153.05 35.52 9.76 ... 0.72 5.23 21.5 NaN NaN 7.2 0.30 NaN NaN 0.48
1 sample 3 37.57 8.70 10.79 3.36 94.11 15.99 198.88 39.65 8.62 ... 0.97 NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.3 1.04 NaN NaN 7.15
2 sample 4 27.31 5.42 5.64 2.75 67.01 11.91 148.32 28.90 5.64 ... 1.02 5.01 17.6 NaN NaN 9.1 0.37 NaN NaN NaN
3 sample 5 29.09 5.81 4.69 3.61 65.99 12.42 154.55 26.48 6.38 ... 1.00 4.61 15.7 NaN NaN 24.5 0.99 168.0 95.0 0.20
4 sample 6 41.13 8.40 8.85 3.56 109.13 17.60 209.62 44.35 10.43 ... 1.30 5.43 19.2 NaN NaN 11.1 0.54 165.0 84.0 0.30

5 rows × 69 columns

for c in df2.columns:
        tmp = df2.melt(id_vars=['Diagnosis'],value_vars=c)
<ipython-input-200-795c994e6a81>:3: RuntimeWarning:

More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the pyplot interface (`matplotlib.pyplot.figure`) are retained until explicitly closed and may consume too much memory. (To control this warning, see the rcParam `figure.max_open_warning`).

<Figure size 288x144 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 288x144 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 288x144 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 288x144 with 0 Axes>
[ ]: