eCLIP-seq differential peak


This pipeline is based on the input normalization code from ENCODE.

Input normalization: Compares the number of reads within the IP sample to the number of reads within the size-matched INPUT sample across Clipper-called peak clusters


3 input files. User should run this pipeline inside the eCLIP-seq jobID folder.

WT sample
KO sample
Input sample

Usage # login to compute node

module load conda3/202011

source activate /home/yli11/.conda/envs/captureC

module load perl $wt $ko $input

# stderr
Input is: 2472461_Nontarget_cd34_10_IP_S5_R1 2472462_M1_3_cd34_10_IP_S6_R1 2472458_Nontarget_cd34_10_Input_S2_R1
reading peak file 2472461_Nontarget_cd34_10_IP_S5_R1_results/2472461_Nontarget_cd34_10_IP_S5_R1.bed
now doing expt 2472461_Nontarget_cd34_10_IP_S5_R1.pri.bam
now doing input 2472458_Nontarget_cd34_10_Input_S2_R1.pri.bam
        (in cleanup) Internal error: could not get STATE from IPC::Run
(1702, 6)
reading peak file 2472461_Nontarget_cd34_10_IP_S5_R1.enriched_peak.bed
now doing expt 2472461_Nontarget_cd34_10_IP_S5_R1.pri.bam
now doing input 2472462_M1_3_cd34_10_IP_S6_R1.pri.bam
        (in cleanup) Internal error: could not get STATE from IPC::Run
(424, 6)


Please see the * file. The 4th and 5th columns are -log10 pvalue and logFC.

code @ github.