Differential Peaks

usage: diffPeaks.py [-h] [-j JID] -f INPUT_TSV -d DESIGN_MATRIX
                    [--guess_input] [--MAnorm_PE_flag] [--continue_homer_diff]
                    [-g GENOME] [-s GENOME_CHROM_SIZE]
                    [--skip_chrom_size SKIP_CHROM_SIZE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JID, --jid JID     enter a job ID, which is used to make a new directory.
                        Every output will be moved into this folder. (default:
  --guess_input         Let the program generate the input files for you,
                        won't be correct, but should be helpful (default:
  --MAnorm_PE_flag      whether input is paired-end data (default: False)
                        Not for end-user. If homer tag is available, just run
                        homer diff (default: False)

required named arguments:
  -f INPUT_TSV, --input_tsv INPUT_TSV
                        4 column tsv, bam file, peak file, sample name, sample
                        group (default: None)
  -d DESIGN_MATRIX, --design_matrix DESIGN_MATRIX
                        3 column tsv for design matrix (default: None)

Genome Info:
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        genome version: hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10. By default,
                        specifying a genome version will automatically update
                        chrom size. (default: hg19)
  -s GENOME_CHROM_SIZE, --genome_chrom_size GENOME_CHROM_SIZE
                        chrome size (default: /home/yli11/Data/Human/hg19/anno
  --skip_chrom_size SKIP_CHROM_SIZE
                        for homer chrom error, not for end-user. chrome size
                        (default: /home/yli11/Data/Human/hg19/annotations/hg19

Get started

  1. Before start, check data quality and replicate correlation. Data quality is available is HemTools html or pdf report. Important metrics include number of mapped reads, mapping rate, number of peaks, FRiP, Qtag (chip-seq). Replicate correlation can be checked using plot_bw_corr.py

  2. Follow the instructions below to perform differential peak analysis. This pipeline uses multiple tools to call differential peaks. DESEQ2 tends to give the most stringent results (i.e., less differential peaks). This result is in homer_deseq2_results (output folder).

  3. Normalized signals for each sample and each group (bw files) are provided in the job id folder.

  4. (Visualization) Inside homer_deseq2_results, you can use *_homer_deseq2.all.bed for volcano plot. Together with the signal files above, you can use create_tracks.py to automatically upload these bed files and bw files to protein paint.


As of 9/14/2020, tested the following tools

  1. our own diff pipeline based on DESEQ2

  2. Homer getDifferentialPeaksReplicates.pl DESEQ2 or EdgeR

  3. MAnorm

  4. Homer getDifferentialPeaks

  5. MACS2 bdgdiff

  6. Thor/ODIN

These tools or pipelines are ranked by their stringency (i.e. number of reported diff peaks). The DESEQ2 based pipelines are the most stringent. The least strigent or the most sensitive tools are MACS2 or Thor/ODIN. We provide all the results, depends on how many diff peaks you expect to see, you can select the results from that tool.

  1. and (2) tools requires replicates, these are the most strigent probably because the variance within replicate can significantly affect the results. All other tools will merge the replicates.

Make sure the input data are in high quality. Low quality data is OK, then diffpeaks should only be applied to the called peaks, not whole genome wide.

Our ensemble diff peak calling pipeline integrates: homer deseq2, homer diffpeak, MAnorm, and Thor.


Usually people use markdup.uq bam for differential analysis. You can also use rmdup.uq bam.

Please copy (or ln -s) all input bam and .bai (index files) and peak files to a working directory. Peak files have to be at least 4 columns (narrowPeak format is one of the examples.)


DO NOT use absolute path in the input.tsv. Just use file name.

** 1. input.tsv **

A tsv file containing 4 columns: bam file, peak file, sample name, group name. Sample name should start with group name. This requirement helps the program to perform sample-level and group-level comparison in case you only have one sample in a group. Sample name should be unique. Sample name can be the same as group name.

A.rmdup.uq.bam  A.rmdup.uq.rmblck.narrowPeak    WT_rep1 WT
B.rmdup.uq.bam  B.rmdup.uq.rmblck.narrowPeak    WT_rep2 WT
C.rmdup.uq.bam  C.banana.narrowPeak     KO_abc  KO
D.rmdup.uq.bam  D.rmdup.uq.rmblck.narrowPeak    KO_xxx  KO

** 2. design matrix**

A tsv file containing three columns specifying comparisons. You could do group level comparison or just one sample vs another sample, the comparison name (3rd column) should be unique.

WT_rep1 WT_rep2 non_sense
WT_rep1 KO_xxx  example1
WT      KO      WT_vs_KO



module load python/2.7.13

diffPeaks.py -f input.tsv -d design.tsv -g mm9 --MAnorm_PE_flag

Paired-end data needs to add --MAnorm_PE_flag option.

PE data can be analyzed together with SE data.


Inside the jid folder, results are provided under each tool’s name.


*bw the bw files inside the jid folder is homer sequencing depth normalized bw files, consistent with homer results.

BW file is normalized to #reads per 10 million reads.

-norm <#> : Normalize the total number of reads to this number, default 1e7.  This means that tags from an experiment with only 5 million mapped tags will count for 2 tags apiece.


4th column is LFC 5th column is FDR

*.all.bed contains the all the peaks.

*LFC_1.FDR_05.bed contains the peaks with LFC>=1 and FDR<=0.05

Sign of LFC is based on the input design file (first column vs second column).

Other Tools (old notes)

Parameter: with/w.o. replicates


Baseline – unique peaks macs2 bdgdiff DESEQ2, edgeR-robust MAnorm ODIN (is replaced by THOR) Homer Epic2 THOR MultiGPS RSEG

The following tools are only applicable with replicates:


Not tested


pipeline testing dir


Video tutorial

In the video, I forgot to copy .bai files.

code @ github.