Upload your bw and bed files to protein paint



Follow this to use the new track collection version.

Example: https://ppr.stjude.org/?genome=hg19&block=1&tkjsonfile=yli11/rick/test3.json


An easy way to visualizing your data. This program will upload all .bw, .bed, and Peak (newly added, .bedpe and .mango) files to protein paint. Note that protein paint genome browser is only accessible inside stjude network.



Step 1

module purge

module load python/2.7.13 htslib

Step 2

create_tracks.py -h

usage: create_tracks.py [-h] [-j JID] [-g GENOME] [--current_dir]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JID, --jid JID     a folder name, used to upload tracks (default:
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        genome version: hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10, hgvirus. (default: hg19)
  --current_dir         Upload .bed .narrowPeak .broadPeak and .bw files
                        (default: False)
create_tracks.py --current_dir -g hg19

When finished, it will print out an url, similar like below:

2019-06-28 14:41:43,232 - INFO - upload_bed_bw - connecting to server
2019-06-28 14:41:43,625 - INFO - upload_bed_bw - creating user's dir
2019-06-28 14:41:53,804 - INFO - upload_bed_bw - generating json file
2019-06-28 14:41:56,213 - INFO - upload_bed_bw - transfering file
Please copy the following url to your genome browser. Note that protein paint genome browser is only accessible inside stjude network.

Add gene track to custom genome

  1. download gene annotation gtf file

  2. using lift over bed, to lift over gtf file

  3. using Xin’s tool to convert gtf to bedj

nodejs version >= 2.10

default node mem is 1.5G, increase it to 8G

module load conda3

source activate /home/yli11/.conda/envs/npm

export NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=8192

node gtf2bedj.js hg19_20copy.gtf > out.bedjs

sort -k1,1 -k2,2n out.bedjs > hg19_20copy.st.bedj

module load htslib
bgzip hg19_20copy.st.bedj
tabix -p bed hg19_20copy.st.bedj.gz

Put this json:

"name":"Ensembl v87 genes",

automatically generate json file given all files in current_dir

cd /home/yli11/dirs/genome_browser/yli11/Jingjing
ppr_json.py -d yli11/Jingjing -o tracks.json -g mm10

Add an existing track to your tracks

How to

BCL11A motif (hg19)


ZBTB7A motif (hg19)


GATA1 motif (hg19)


NFIX motif (hg19)


CTCF motif (hg19)


KLF1 motifs (hg19)

"name":"KLF1 motifs",

Other motifs (hg19)

"name":"GATA_Ebox(8-9) motif",



code @ github.