Given any count table, run DESEQ2

usage: [-h] -f INPUT_TSV -s SAMPLE_NAMES -t TREATMENT -c CONTROL [-o OUTPUT] [--count_cutoff COUNT_CUTOFF]
                     [--N_sample_cutoff N_SAMPLE_CUTOFF]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output prefix (default: auto)
  --count_cutoff COUNT_CUTOFF
                        usually it's better for prefilter out some low-count genes/peaks (default: 0)
  --N_sample_cutoff N_SAMPLE_CUTOFF
                        usually it's better for prefilter out some low-count genes/peaks (default: 0)

required named arguments:
  -f INPUT_TSV, --input_tsv INPUT_TSV
                        count table, each row is a feature, each column is a sample (default: None)
  -s SAMPLE_NAMES, --sample_names SAMPLE_NAMES
                        2 column tsv, first column, sample name matched to input_tsv column names, second column is the group
                        name (default: None)
  -t TREATMENT, --treatment TREATMENT
                        treatment group name, must match group names specified in sample_names (default: None)
  -c CONTROL, --control CONTROL
                        control group name, must match group names specified in sample_names (default: None)


This program performs differential analysis given a user provided count table.



module load conda3

source activate /home/yli11/.conda/envs/captureC -f DESEQ2.input.tsv -s samples.tsv -t HBBP1_VHL -c HBBP1_NT


Count table: DESEQ2.input.tsv

each row is a feature, each column is a sample.

sample names mapping: samples.tsv

CaptureC_NT_BGLT3_r1_S27        BGLT3_NT
CaptureC_VHL_BGLT3_r1_S29       BGLT3_VHL
CaptureC_NT_BGLT3_r2_S28        BGLT3_NT
CaptureC_VHL_BGLT3_r2_S30       BGLT3_VHL
CaptureC_NT_HBBP1_r1_S31        HBBP1_NT

First column is sample name, must match column names in count table

Second column is group name


Output name by default is treatment.vs.control, folder is created, and DESEQ2 raw count, norm count, stats are put as, treatment.vs.control.deseq2_result.tsv. Examples shown below

HBBP1_VHL.vs.HBBP1_NT.plotDispEsts.pdf  HBBP1_VHL.vs.HBBP1_NT.R
HBBP1_VHL.vs.HBBP1_NT.cooks_distance.pdf  HBBP1_VHL.vs.HBBP1_NT.plotMA.pdf
HBBP1_VHL.vs.HBBP1_NT.deseq2_result.tsv   HBBP1_VHL.vs.HBBP1_NT.pvalue_hist.pdf

Convert deseq2 result to bw files for visualization -f HBBP1.deseq2_result.tsv --data_frame -j HBBP1_bw_files -f BGLT3.deseq2_result.tsv --data_frame -j BGLT3_bw_files

code @ github.