GWAS plot exampleΒΆ

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv("G500_activity_specificity_position_df.csv")
TargetSequence WindowChromosome Position Site_SubstitutionsOnly_Sequence Site_SubstitutionsOnly_NumSubstitutions bi_sum_mi total_read_counts specificity_ratio ProtospacerSequence Coverage normalized_activity Chromosome Start PlotPosition
0 GACTCGTCCTCGGCGCCGTTNGG chr2 25161398 GACTCGTCCTCGGCGCCGTTAGG 0.0 1872 1872 1.0 GACTCGTCCTCGGCGCCGTT 6525.0 0.286897 chr2 248956422 274117820
1 GCGGCTCCTACCACAAAATCNGG chr11 70407379 GCGGCTCCTACCACAAAATCAGG 0.0 91 91 1.0 GCGGCTCCTACCACAAAATC 5751.0 0.015823 chr11 1808681051 1879088430
2 GACCTGTTTGGGCAGGCGCCNGG chr19 11514082 GACCTGTTTGGGCAGGCGCCTGG 0.0 85 85 1.0 GACCTGTTTGGGCAGGCGCC 7336.0 0.011587 chr19 2654411288 2665925370
3 GTACCGCCCGCGGGAGTACCNGG chr4 991502 GTACCGCCCGCGGGAGTACCTGG 0.0 648 648 1.0 GTACCGCCCGCGGGAGTACC 6440.0 0.100621 chr4 689445510 690437012
4 GATGAGGTTAGCCACGTTCCNGG chr1 181089696 GATGAGGTTAGCCACGTTCCCGG 0.0 477 477 1.0 GATGAGGTTAGCCACGTTCC 9023.0 0.052865 chr1 0 181089696

def liyc_GWAS_plot(df, chrom="#CHROM", pos="POS", pv="P", snp="ID", logp=True, ax=None,ymax=None, marker=".", color="#3B5488,#53BBD5", alpha=0.8,size=None, title=None, xlabel="Chromosome", ylabel=r"$-log_{10}{(P)}$", xtick_label_set=None, CHR=None, xticklabel_kws=None, suggestiveline=1e-5, genomewideline=5e-8, sign_line_cols="#D62728,#2CA02C", hline_kws=None, sign_marker_p=None, sign_marker_color="r",outFile=None, is_annotate_topsnp=False, highlight_other_SNPs_indcs=None, highlight_other_SNPs_color="r", highlight_other_SNPs_kwargs=None, text_kws=None, ld_block_size=50000, figsize=(16,4),**kwargs): """Creates a manhattan plot from a DataFrame. Parameters ---------- data : DataFrame. A DataFrame with columns "#CHROM," "POS," "P," and optionally, "SNP." chrom : string, default is "#CHROM", optional A string denoting the column name for chromosome. Defaults to be PLINK2.x's "#CHROM". Said column must be a character. pos : string, default is "POS", optional. A string denoting the column name for chromosomal position. Default to PLINK2.x's "POS". Said column must be numeric. pv : string, default is "P", optional. A string denoting the column name for chromosomal p-value. Default to PLINK2.x's "P". Said column must be float type. snp : string, default is "ID", optional. A string denoting the column name for the SNP name (rs number) or the column which you want to represent the variants. Default to PLINK2.x's "P". Said column should be a character. logp : bool, optional If TRUE, the -log10 of the p-value is plotted. It isn't very useful to plot raw p-values, but plotting the raw value could be useful for other genome-wide plots, for example, peak heights, bayes factors, test statistics, other "scores," etc. default: True ax : matplotlib axis, optional Axis to plot on, otherwise uses current axis. marker : matplotlib markers for scatter plot, default is "o", optional color : matplotlib color, optional, default: color_palette('colorful', 4) Color used for the plot elements. Could hex-code or rgb, e.g: '#3B5488,#53BBD5' or 'rb' alpha : float scalar, default is 0.8, optional The alpha blending value, between 0(transparent) and 1(opaque) title : string, or None, optional Set the title of the current plot. xlabel: string, optional Set the x axis label of the current axis. ylabel: string, optional Set the y axis label of the current axis. xtick_label_set : a set. optional Set the current x axis ticks of the current axis. CHR : string, or None, optional Select a specific chromosome to plot. And the x-axis will be the position of this chromosome instead of the chromosome id. CAUTION: this parameter could not be used with ``xtick_label_set`` together. xticklabel_kws : key, value pairings, or None, optional Other keyword arguments are passed to set xtick labels in maplotlib.axis.Axes.set_xticklabels. suggestiveline : float or None, default is 1e-5, optional Where to draw a suggestive ax.axhline. Set None to be disable. genomewideline : float or None, default is 5e-8 Where to draw a genome-wide significant ax.axhline. Set None to be disable. sign_line_cols : matplotlib color, default: "#D62728,#2CA02C", optional. Color used for ``suggestiveline`` and ``genomewideline``. Could be hex-code or rgb, e.g: "#D62728,#2CA02C" or 'rb' hline_kws : key, value pairings, or None, optional keyword arguments for plotting ax.axhline(``suggestiveline`` and ``genomewideline``) except the "color" key-pair. sign_marker_p : float or None, default None, optional. A P-value threshold (suggestive to be 1e-6) for marking the significant SNP sites. sign_marker_color : matplotlib color, default: "r", optional. Define a color code for significant SNP sites. is_annotate_topsnp : boolean, default is False, optional. Annotate the top SNP or not for the significant locus. highlight_other_SNPs_indcs : iterable, or None, optional Numerical indices of other SNPs (i.e. not the top SNP) to highlight. highlight_other_SNPs_color : matplotlib color, default: "r", optional. Define a color code for other highlighted SNP sites. highlight_other_SNPs_kwargs=None : Dict, or None, optional Dict of keyword arguments passed to the command highlighting the other SNPs. text_kws: key, value pairings, or None, optional keyword arguments for plotting in`` matplotlib.axes.Axes.text(x, y, s, fontdict=None, **kwargs)`` ld_block_size : integer, default is 50000, optional Set the size of LD block which for finding top SNP. And the top SNP's annotation represent the block. kwargs : key, value pairings, optional Other keyword arguments are passed to ``plt.scatter()`` or ``plt.vlines()`` (in matplotlib.pyplot) depending on whether a scatter or line plot is being drawn. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib Axes Axes object with the manhattanplot. Notes ----- 1. This plot function is not just suit for GWAS manhattan plot, it could also be used for any input data which have [chromo- some, position and p-value] dataframe. 2. The right and top spines of the plot have been set to be invisible by hand. Examples -------- Plot a basic manhattan plot from PLINK2.x association output and reture the figure: .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> import pandas as pd >>> from qmplot import manhattanplot >>> df = pd.read_table("tests/data/gwas_plink_result.tsv", sep="\t") >>> df = df.dropna(how="any", axis=0) # clean data >>> ax = manhattanplot(data=df) Plot a basic manhattan plot with horizontal xtick labels and save the plot to a file name "manhattan.png": .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> xtick = set(['chr' + i for i in list(map(str, range(1, 10))) + ['11', '13', '15', '18', '21', 'X']]) >>> manhattanplot(data=df, xlabel="Chromosome", ylabel=r"$-log_{10}{(P)}$", ... xtick_label_set=xtick) >>> plt.savefig("manhattan.png") Add a horizontal at y position=3 line with linestyle="--" and lingwidth=1.3 across the axis: .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> manhattanplot(data=df, ... hline_kws={"linestyle": "--", "lw": 1.3}, ... xlabel="Chromosome", ... ylabel=r"$-log_{10}{(P)}$", ... xtick_label_set = xtick) Rotate the x-axis ticklabel by setting ``xticklabel_kws``: .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> manhattanplot(data=df, ... hline_kws={"linestyle": "--", "lw": 1.3}, ... xlabel="Chromosome", ... ylabel=r"$-log_{10}{(P)}$", ... xticklabel_kws={"rotation": "vertical"}) Plot a better one with genome-wide significant mark and annotate the Top SNP and save the figure to "output_manhattan_plot.png": .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 4), facecolor="w", edgecolor="k") # define a plot >>> manhattanplot(data=df, ... marker=".", ... sign_marker_p=1e-6, # Genome wide significant p-value ... sign_marker_color="r", ... snp="ID", ... title="Test", ... xtick_label_set=xtick, ... xlabel="Chromosome", ... ylabel=r"$-log_{10}{(P)}$", ... sign_line_cols=["#D62728", "#2CA02C"], ... hline_kws={"linestyle": "--", "lw": 1.3}, ... is_annotate_topsnp=True, ... ld_block_size=50000, # 50000 bp ... text_kws={"fontsize": 12, # The fontsize of annotate text ... "arrowprops": dict(arrowstyle="-", color="k", alpha=0.6)}, ... ax=ax) >>> plt.savefig("output_manhattan_plot.png", dpi=300) """ from pandas import DataFrame import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from itertools import cycle R_color=['#F8766D','#ED813E','#DE8C00','#CD9600','#B79F00','#9DA700','#7CAE00','#49B500','#00BA38','#00BE67','#00C08B','#00C1A9','#00BFC4','#00BBDC','#00B4F0','#00A9FF','#619CFF','#9F8CFF','#C77CFF','#E36EF6','#F564E3','#FF61CC','#FF64B0','#FF6C91'] data = df.copy() if not isinstance(data, DataFrame): raise ValueError("[ERROR] Input data must be a pandas.DataFrame.") if chrom not in data: raise ValueError("[ERROR] Column \"%s\" not found!" % chrom) if pos not in data: raise ValueError("[ERROR] Column \"%s\" not found!" % pos) if pv not in data: raise ValueError("[ERROR] Column \"%s\" not found!" % pv) if is_annotate_topsnp and (snp not in data): raise ValueError("[ERROR] You're trying to annotate a set of SNPs but " "NO SNP \"%s\" column found!" % snp) if CHR is not None and xtick_label_set is not None: raise ValueError("[ERROR] ``CHR`` and ``xtick_label_set`` can't be set simultaneously.") # sort data data[[chrom]] = data[[chrom]].astype(str) # make sure all the chromosome id are character. chr=["chr1","chr2","chr3","chr4","chr5","chr6","chr7","chr8","chr9","chr10","chr11","chr12","chr13","chr14","chr15","chr16","chr17","chr18","chr19","chr20","chr21","chr22","chrX","chrY"] chr_dict = {} for i in range(len(chr)): chr_dict[chr[i]] = i data['chr_order'] = data["Chromosome"].map(chr_dict) data = data[~data.chr_order.isnull()] data = data.sort_values(["chr_order",pos]) data = data.fillna(0) data[chrom] = data[chrom].apply(lambda x:x.replace("chr","")) # Draw the plot and return the Axes # if ax is None: # ax = plt.gca() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, facecolor="w", edgecolor="k") # default if xticklabel_kws is None: xticklabel_kws = {} if hline_kws is None: hline_kws = {} if text_kws is None: text_kws = {} if "," in color: color = color.split(",") colors = cycle(R_color) last_xpos = 0 xs_by_id = [] # use for collecting chromosome's position on x-axis x, y, c,s = [], [], [],[] sign_snp_sites = [] for seqid, group_data in data.groupby(by=chrom, sort=False): # keep the raw order of chromosome if (CHR is not None) and (seqid != CHR): continue color = next(colors) # display(group_data) for i, (site, p_value,r_size) in enumerate(zip(group_data[pos], group_data[pv],group_data[size])): if p_value == 0: p_value = 1e-300 # set it to a very small value if p-value is 0. y_value = -np.log10(p_value) if logp else p_value x.append(last_xpos + site) y.append(y_value) s.append((r_size+0.1)*200) c.append(sign_marker_color if ((sign_marker_p is not None) and (p_value <= sign_marker_p)) else color) if (sign_marker_p is not None) and (p_value <= sign_marker_p): snp_id = group_data[snp].iloc[i] sign_snp_sites.append([last_xpos + site, y_value, snp_id]) # x_pos, y_value, text # ``xs_by_id`` is for setting up positions and ticks. Ticks should # be placed in the middle of a chromosome. The a new pos column is # added that keeps a running sum of the positions of each successive # chromsome. xs_by_id.append([seqid, last_xpos + (group_data[pos].iloc[0] + group_data[pos].iloc[-1]) / 2]) last_xpos = x[-1] # keep track so that chromosome will not overlap in the plot. if not x: raise ValueError("zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has no " "identity. This could be caused by zero-size array of ``x`` " "in the ``manhattanplot(...)`` function.") if "marker" not in kwargs: kwargs["marker"] = marker # return x,y,c # plot the main manhattan dot plot #, y, color=c, alpha=alpha, edgecolors="none", **kwargs) # sc=ax.scatter(x, y, s=s,edgecolors="none") # sc=ax.scatter(x, y, c=c, s=s,alpha=alpha,edgecolors="none",label=s, **kwargs) # you may want to modify this sc=ax.scatter(x, y, c=c, s=s,alpha=alpha,label=s, **kwargs,linewidths=0.5,edgecolors="Black") # legend1=ax.legend(*sc.legend_elements()) # ax.add_artist(legend1) # print (xs_by_id) ax.set_xticks([v for c, v in xs_by_id]) ax.set_xticklabels([c for c, v in xs_by_id],rotation=0, **xticklabel_kws) # you may want to modify this ax.set_xlim(-20000000, x[-1]+20000000) ax.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=1.1) if title: ax.set_title(title) if xlabel: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) handles, labels = sc.legend_elements(prop="sizes", alpha=0.6) # print (handles) # print (labels) legend2 = ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), title=size) if outFile: plt.savefig(outFile,bbox_inches='tight') return ax,x,y,c,s,xs_by_id # manhattanplot(data=df,chrom="chr",pos="start",pv="CRL2458_S1_percentage_indels",snp="name",logp=False,ymax=1)
# required arguments
# first argument is always the input dataframe, no need to give data=df, just df
# then users need to specify the column names for:
# `chrom`: chrosome names, need to be chr1, chr2, not 1 or 2
# `pos`: genomic positions
# `pv`: values to plot on Y-axis, you need to specify logp=False if this value should not be log transformed
# `size`: values to plot as the dot size, the dot size is defined as (r_size+0.1)*200, you may want to change it
# The following are optional:
# title
# ylabel
# xlabel
# outFile: if provided, the plot will be saved
                logp=False,title="Optional",ylabel="Give Y label",xlabel="Chromosome",outFile="outFile.pdf")