What is MA plot?

MA plot shows the log average (A) on the x-axis and the log ratio (M) on the y-axis. Here, M stands for minus because log(A/B) = logA-logB

Similar plots are Bland-Altman plot, Tukey mean-difference plot, mean-difference plot, or MD plot.

This type of plot is good to show the data distribution between two individuals or two groups. Examples include:

  • show data distribution in two replicates or two groups to identify systematic bias (if normalization is needed)

  • show gene expression distribution comparing A to B, potentially highlighting differentially expressed genes, and/or other gene categories such as housekeeping genes, highly variable genes.


import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.read_csv("/home/yli11/tmp/results.KO_vs_WT.csv",sep="\t",index_col=0)
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B WT_1_log2CPM WT_2_log2CPM WT_3_log2CPM KO_1_log2CPM KO_2_log2CPM KO_3_log2CPM
D17H6S56E-5 -3.0830 9.3418 -97.669 2.276800e-15 3.597600e-11 25.102 10.8880 10.9120 10.8500 7.7671 7.8119 7.8218
Scd1 -2.2133 6.1060 -50.068 1.151200e-12 9.095200e-09 19.799 7.2574 7.1911 7.1920 5.0828 4.9264 4.9864
Coro2a -1.4558 7.9154 -46.998 2.073900e-12 1.092300e-08 19.285 8.6433 8.6614 8.6256 7.1924 7.2202 7.1495
Plxnb2 -2.9373 3.6346 -42.033 5.854300e-12 1.598600e-08 17.639 5.0743 5.1443 5.1107 2.2122 2.2622 2.0040
Gzmb -1.8469 4.9198 -41.606 6.436800e-12 1.598600e-08 18.097 5.7934 5.8635 5.8686 3.9655 3.9610 4.0665

compare between replicates

A = (df['WT_1_log2CPM']+df['WT_2_log2CPM'])/2
M = df['WT_1_log2CPM']-df['WT_2_log2CPM']
plt.scatter(x=A,y=M,s=1) # s is point size
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x2aad8f7f0280>

compare between two samples from different group

A = (df['WT_1_log2CPM']+df['KO_1_log2CPM'])/2
M = df['WT_1_log2CPM']-df['KO_1_log2CPM']
plt.scatter(x=A,y=M,s=1) # s is point size
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2aad901dd6a0>

compare between groups

# extract column names, you can also just type column names manually
WT_column_names = [x for x in df.columns if "WT" in x] # When using only 'if', put 'for' in the beginning
KO_column_names = [x for x in df.columns if "KO" in x] # When using only 'if', put 'for' in the beginning
print (WT_column_names)
print (KO_column_names)
['WT_1_log2CPM', 'WT_2_log2CPM', 'WT_3_log2CPM']
['KO_1_log2CPM', 'KO_2_log2CPM', 'KO_3_log2CPM']
[1, 2, 3, 'asd']
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[i/2 for i in range(0,10)]
[0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5]
output = []
for i in range(0,10):
[0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5]
Index(['logFC', 'AveExpr', 't', 'P.Value', 'adj.P.Val', 'B', 'WT_1_log2CPM',
       'WT_2_log2CPM', 'WT_3_log2CPM', 'KO_1_log2CPM', 'KO_2_log2CPM',
(15801, 12)
[i for i in df.columns if "W" in i]
['WT_1_log2CPM', 'WT_2_log2CPM', 'WT_3_log2CPM']
A = (df[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)+df[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1))/2
M = df[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1)-df[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)
plt.scatter(x=A,y=M,s=1) # s is point size
## add cosmetics
plt.title("KO vs WT")
plt.xlabel("log mean expression")
plt.ylabel("log fold change")
Text(0, 0.5, 'log fold change')
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B WT_1_log2CPM WT_2_log2CPM WT_3_log2CPM KO_1_log2CPM KO_2_log2CPM KO_3_log2CPM
D17H6S56E-5 -3.0830 9.3418 -97.669 2.276800e-15 3.597600e-11 25.102 10.8880 10.9120 10.8500 7.7671 7.8119 7.8218
Scd1 -2.2133 6.1060 -50.068 1.151200e-12 9.095200e-09 19.799 7.2574 7.1911 7.1920 5.0828 4.9264 4.9864
Coro2a -1.4558 7.9154 -46.998 2.073900e-12 1.092300e-08 19.285 8.6433 8.6614 8.6256 7.1924 7.2202 7.1495
Plxnb2 -2.9373 3.6346 -42.033 5.854300e-12 1.598600e-08 17.639 5.0743 5.1443 5.1107 2.2122 2.2622 2.0040
Gzmb -1.8469 4.9198 -41.606 6.436800e-12 1.598600e-08 18.097 5.7934 5.8635 5.8686 3.9655 3.9610 4.0665
hk_genes = HemData.get_housekeeping_genes()
/home/yli11/.conda/envs/captureC/lib/python3.8/site-packages/HemTools/HemData.py:11: ParserWarning: Falling back to the 'python' engine because the 'c' engine does not support regex separators (separators > 1 char and different from '\s+' are interpreted as regex); you can avoid this warning by specifying engine='python'.
  names = pd.read_csv(f"{pdir}/../HemData/index.tsv", sep="\s", header=None, index_col=0)[1].to_dict()
Mouse Human
0 1600012H06Rik C6orf120
1 1700123O20Rik C14orf119
2 1810009A15Rik C11orf98
3 1810013L24Rik C16orf72
4 2610507B11Rik KIAA0100
... ... ...
1125 Zmynd19 ZMYND19
1126 Zranb1 ZRANB1
1127 Zranb2 ZRANB2
1128 Zrsr1 ZRSR2
1129 Zyg11b ZYG11B

1130 rows × 2 columns

[ ]:

A = (df[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)+df[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1))/2
M = df[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1)-df[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)
plt.scatter(x=A,y=M,s=1) # s is point size

# deg
deg = df[(df['logFC'].abs()>=2)&(df['adj.P.Val']<=0.01)]
degA = (deg[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)+deg[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1))/2
degM = deg[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1)-deg[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)
plt.scatter(x=degA,y=degM,s=3,color="red",label="DEG") # s is point size

from HemTools import HemData
hk_genes = HemData.get_housekeeping_genes()

# deg
hk = df.loc[df.index.intersection(hk_genes.Mouse)]
hkA = (hk[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)+hk[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1))/2
hkM = hk[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1)-hk[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)
plt.scatter(x=hkA,y=hkM,s=3,color="purple",label="housekeeping") # s is point size

## add cosmetics
plt.title("KO vs WT")
plt.xlabel("log mean expression")
plt.ylabel("log fold change")
/home/yli11/.conda/envs/captureC/lib/python3.8/site-packages/HemTools/HemData.py:11: ParserWarning: Falling back to the 'python' engine because the 'c' engine does not support regex separators (separators > 1 char and different from '\s+' are interpreted as regex); you can avoid this warning by specifying engine='python'.
  names = pd.read_csv(f"{pdir}/../HemData/index.tsv", sep="\s", header=None, index_col=0)[1].to_dict()
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2aad9008ff10>
[ ]:

add more gene categories

  • differentially expressed genes

  • housekeeping genes

A = (df[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)+df[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1))/2
M = df[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1)-df[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)

deg = df[(df['logFC'].abs()>=1)&(df['adj.P.Val']<=0.01)]
# Tip: use Ctrl+D (Windows) or Command + D (Mac) to do multi-selection and replace
degA = (deg[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)+deg[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1))/2
degM = deg[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1)-deg[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)

from HemTools import HemData
hk_genes = HemData.get_housekeeping_genes()
hk = df.loc[df.index.intersection(hk_genes.Mouse)]
# Tip: use Ctrl+D (Windows) or Command + D (Mac) to do multi-selection and replace
hkA = (hk[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)+hk[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1))/2
hkM = hk[KO_column_names].mean(axis=1)-hk[WT_column_names].mean(axis=1)

plt.scatter(x=A,y=M,s=1,color="grey") # s is point size
plt.scatter(x=degA,y=degM,s=3,color="#E64B35",label="DEG") # s is point size
plt.scatter(x=hkA,y=hkM,s=3,color="purple",label="housekeeping") # s is point size

## add cosmetics
plt.title("KO vs WT")
plt.xlabel("log mean expression")
plt.ylabel("log fold change")
/home/yli11/.conda/envs/captureC/lib/python3.8/site-packages/HemTools/HemData.py:11: ParserWarning: Falling back to the 'python' engine because the 'c' engine does not support regex separators (separators > 1 char and different from '\s+' are interpreted as regex); you can avoid this warning by specifying engine='python'.
  names = pd.read_csv(f"{pdir}/../HemData/index.tsv", sep="\s", header=None, index_col=0)[1].to_dict()
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2aad8ffe1e50>