Hypothesis testing


  • Null hypothesis: H_0: \mu_{1} - \mu_{2} = 0

  • Alternative hypothesis

  • Test statistics: e.g., s_1 - s_2

  • The distribution of test statistics: T-distribution

  • Rejection region


The probability to observe the difference under the null hypothesis (more formally speaking, the probability to observe the current value and more extremed values)


one-tail or two-tail P-value?

Depending on the null hypothesis (e.g., \mu>0 or \mu=0).

Most software will choose two-tail p-value as default.

One-tail p-value is always smaller than two-tail p-value (simply divided by two).

Type 1 error

The probability to make a false claim

False discovery rate (adjusted p-value)

The probability to make a false claim in multiple hypotheses testing


Comparing two samples.

Two independent samples:

  • equal variance (student’s t-test)

  • unequal variance (welch’s t-test)

Paired samples:

-Paired t-test

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)

One-way ANOVA, comparing the mead differences across two or more groups (which is basically multiple t-tests, but with better adjustment for Type 1 error).

import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind
from scipy.stats import ttest_rel
from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests
df = pd.read_csv("/home/yli11/tmp/results.KO_vs_WT.csv",sep="\t",index_col=0)
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B WT_1_log2CPM WT_2_log2CPM WT_3_log2CPM KO_1_log2CPM KO_2_log2CPM KO_3_log2CPM
D17H6S56E-5 -3.0830 9.3418 -97.669 2.276800e-15 3.597600e-11 25.102 10.8880 10.9120 10.8500 7.7671 7.8119 7.8218
Scd1 -2.2133 6.1060 -50.068 1.151200e-12 9.095200e-09 19.799 7.2574 7.1911 7.1920 5.0828 4.9264 4.9864
Coro2a -1.4558 7.9154 -46.998 2.073900e-12 1.092300e-08 19.285 8.6433 8.6614 8.6256 7.1924 7.2202 7.1495
Plxnb2 -2.9373 3.6346 -42.033 5.854300e-12 1.598600e-08 17.639 5.0743 5.1443 5.1107 2.2122 2.2622 2.0040
Gzmb -1.8469 4.9198 -41.606 6.436800e-12 1.598600e-08 18.097 5.7934 5.8635 5.8686 3.9655 3.9610 4.0665
# extract column names, you can also just type column names manually
WT_column_names = [x for x in df.columns if "WT" in x] # When using only 'if', put 'for' in the beginning
KO_column_names = [x for x in df.columns if "KO" in x] # When using only 'if', put 'for' in the beginning
print (WT_column_names)
print (KO_column_names)
['WT_1_log2CPM', 'WT_2_log2CPM', 'WT_3_log2CPM']
['KO_1_log2CPM', 'KO_2_log2CPM', 'KO_3_log2CPM']
[ ]:
## Student t-test
def student_t_test(r):
    return ttest_ind(r[WT_column_names],r[KO_column_names],equal_var=True).pvalue
df['student_t_test'] = df.apply(student_t_test,axis=1)
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B WT_1_log2CPM WT_2_log2CPM WT_3_log2CPM KO_1_log2CPM KO_2_log2CPM KO_3_log2CPM student_t_test
D17H6S56E-5 -3.0830 9.3418 -97.669 2.276800e-15 3.597600e-11 25.102 10.8880 10.9120 10.8500 7.7671 7.8119 7.8218 2.461504e-08
Scd1 -2.2133 6.1060 -50.068 1.151200e-12 9.095200e-09 19.799 7.2574 7.1911 7.1920 5.0828 4.9264 4.9864 1.624300e-06
Coro2a -1.4558 7.9154 -46.998 2.073900e-12 1.092300e-08 19.285 8.6433 8.6614 8.6256 7.1924 7.2202 7.1495 3.738815e-07
Plxnb2 -2.9373 3.6346 -42.033 5.854300e-12 1.598600e-08 17.639 5.0743 5.1443 5.1107 2.2122 2.2622 2.0040 3.494130e-06
Gzmb -1.8469 4.9198 -41.606 6.436800e-12 1.598600e-08 18.097 5.7934 5.8635 5.8686 3.9655 3.9610 4.0665 1.628337e-06
## Welch t-test
def welch_t_test(r):
    return ttest_ind(r[WT_column_names],r[KO_column_names],equal_var=False).pvalue
df['welch_t_test'] = df.apply(welch_t_test,axis=1)
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B WT_1_log2CPM WT_2_log2CPM WT_3_log2CPM KO_1_log2CPM KO_2_log2CPM KO_3_log2CPM student_t_test welch_t_test
D17H6S56E-5 -3.0830 9.3418 -97.669 2.276800e-15 3.597600e-11 25.102 10.8880 10.9120 10.8500 7.7671 7.8119 7.8218 2.461504e-08 2.647881e-08
Scd1 -2.2133 6.1060 -50.068 1.151200e-12 9.095200e-09 19.799 7.2574 7.1911 7.1920 5.0828 4.9264 4.9864 1.624300e-06 3.688665e-05
Coro2a -1.4558 7.9154 -46.998 2.073900e-12 1.092300e-08 19.285 8.6433 8.6614 8.6256 7.1924 7.2202 7.1495 3.738815e-07 1.024245e-05
Plxnb2 -2.9373 3.6346 -42.033 5.854300e-12 1.598600e-08 17.639 5.0743 5.1443 5.1107 2.2122 2.2622 2.0040 3.494130e-06 3.596084e-04
Gzmb -1.8469 4.9198 -41.606 6.436800e-12 1.598600e-08 18.097 5.7934 5.8635 5.8686 3.9655 3.9610 4.0665 1.628337e-06 4.948437e-06
## paired t-test
def paired_t_test(r):
    return ttest_rel(r[WT_column_names],r[KO_column_names]).pvalue
df['paired_t_test'] = df.apply(paired_t_test,axis=1)
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B WT_1_log2CPM WT_2_log2CPM WT_3_log2CPM KO_1_log2CPM KO_2_log2CPM KO_3_log2CPM student_t_test welch_t_test paired_t_test
D17H6S56E-5 -3.0830 9.3418 -97.669 2.276800e-15 3.597600e-11 25.102 10.8880 10.9120 10.8500 7.7671 7.8119 7.8218 2.461504e-08 2.647881e-08 0.000083
Scd1 -2.2133 6.1060 -50.068 1.151200e-12 9.095200e-09 19.799 7.2574 7.1911 7.1920 5.0828 4.9264 4.9864 1.624300e-06 3.688665e-05 0.000142
Coro2a -1.4558 7.9154 -46.998 2.073900e-12 1.092300e-08 19.285 8.6433 8.6614 8.6256 7.1924 7.2202 7.1495 3.738815e-07 1.024245e-05 0.000051
Plxnb2 -2.9373 3.6346 -42.033 5.854300e-12 1.598600e-08 17.639 5.0743 5.1443 5.1107 2.2122 2.2622 2.0040 3.494130e-06 3.596084e-04 0.000706
Gzmb -1.8469 4.9198 -41.606 6.436800e-12 1.598600e-08 18.097 5.7934 5.8635 5.8686 3.9655 3.9610 4.0665 1.628337e-06 4.948437e-06 0.000266
(15801, 21)

calculate FDR

Test results and p-value correction for multiple tests

pvals : array_like, 1-d
    uncorrected p-values.   Must be 1-dimensional.
alpha : float
    FWER, family-wise error rate, e.g. 0.1
method : str
    Method used for testing and adjustment of pvalues. Can be either the
    full name or initial letters. Available methods are:

    - `bonferroni` : one-step correction
    - `sidak` : one-step correction
    - `holm-sidak` : step down method using Sidak adjustments
    - `holm` : step-down method using Bonferroni adjustments
    - `simes-hochberg` : step-up method  (independent)
    - `hommel` : closed method based on Simes tests (non-negative)
    - `fdr_bh` : Benjamini/Hochberg  (non-negative)
    - `fdr_by` : Benjamini/Yekutieli (negative)
    - `fdr_tsbh` : two stage fdr correction (non-negative)
    - `fdr_tsbky` : two stage fdr correction (non-negative)

is_sorted : bool
    If False (default), the p_values will be sorted, but the corrected
    pvalues are in the original order. If True, then it assumed that the
    pvalues are already sorted in ascending order.
returnsorted : bool
     not tested, return sorted p-values instead of original sequence

reject : ndarray, boolean
    true for hypothesis that can be rejected for given alpha
pvals_corrected : ndarray
    p-values corrected for multiple tests
alphacSidak : float
    corrected alpha for Sidak method
alphacBonf : float
    corrected alpha for Bonferroni method

There may be API changes for this function in the future.

Except for 'fdr_twostage', the p-value correction is independent of the
alpha specified as argument. In these cases the corrected p-values
can also be compared with a different alpha. In the case of 'fdr_twostage',
the corrected p-values are specific to the given alpha, see

The 'fdr_gbs' procedure is not verified against another package, p-values
are derived from scratch and are not derived in the reference. In Monte
Carlo experiments the method worked correctly and maintained the false
discovery rate.

All procedures that are included, control FWER or FDR in the independent
case, and most are robust in the positively correlated case.

`fdr_gbs`: high power, fdr control for independent case and only small
violation in positively correlated case


Most of the time with large arrays is spent in `argsort`. When
we want to calculate the p-value for several methods, then it is more
efficient to presort the pvalues, and put the results back into the
original order outside of the function.

Method='hommel' is very slow for large arrays, since it requires the
evaluation of n partitions, where n is the number of p-values.
File:      ~/.conda/envs/captureC/lib/python3.8/site-packages/statsmodels/stats/multitest.py
Type:      function

df['bon_FDR'] = multipletests(df['student_t_test'],method="bonferroni")[1]
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B WT_1_log2CPM WT_2_log2CPM WT_3_log2CPM KO_1_log2CPM KO_2_log2CPM KO_3_log2CPM student_t_test welch_t_test paired_t_test bon_FDR
D17H6S56E-5 -3.0830 9.3418 -97.669 2.276800e-15 3.597600e-11 25.102 10.8880 10.9120 10.8500 7.7671 7.8119 7.8218 2.461504e-08 2.647881e-08 0.000083 0.000389
Scd1 -2.2133 6.1060 -50.068 1.151200e-12 9.095200e-09 19.799 7.2574 7.1911 7.1920 5.0828 4.9264 4.9864 1.624300e-06 3.688665e-05 0.000142 0.025666
Coro2a -1.4558 7.9154 -46.998 2.073900e-12 1.092300e-08 19.285 8.6433 8.6614 8.6256 7.1924 7.2202 7.1495 3.738815e-07 1.024245e-05 0.000051 0.005908
Plxnb2 -2.9373 3.6346 -42.033 5.854300e-12 1.598600e-08 17.639 5.0743 5.1443 5.1107 2.2122 2.2622 2.0040 3.494130e-06 3.596084e-04 0.000706 0.055211
Gzmb -1.8469 4.9198 -41.606 6.436800e-12 1.598600e-08 18.097 5.7934 5.8635 5.8686 3.9655 3.9610 4.0665 1.628337e-06 4.948437e-06 0.000266 0.025729
df['hs_FDR'] = multipletests(df['student_t_test'],method="hs")[1]
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B WT_1_log2CPM WT_2_log2CPM WT_3_log2CPM KO_1_log2CPM KO_2_log2CPM KO_3_log2CPM student_t_test welch_t_test paired_t_test bon_FDR hs_FDR
D17H6S56E-5 -3.0830 9.3418 -97.669 2.276800e-15 3.597600e-11 25.102 10.8880 10.9120 10.8500 7.7671 7.8119 7.8218 2.461504e-08 2.647881e-08 0.000083 0.000389 0.000389
Scd1 -2.2133 6.1060 -50.068 1.151200e-12 9.095200e-09 19.799 7.2574 7.1911 7.1920 5.0828 4.9264 4.9864 1.624300e-06 3.688665e-05 0.000142 0.025666 0.025285
Coro2a -1.4558 7.9154 -46.998 2.073900e-12 1.092300e-08 19.285 8.6433 8.6614 8.6256 7.1924 7.2202 7.1495 3.738815e-07 1.024245e-05 0.000051 0.005908 0.005887
Plxnb2 -2.9373 3.6346 -42.033 5.854300e-12 1.598600e-08 17.639 5.0743 5.1443 5.1107 2.2122 2.2622 2.0040 3.494130e-06 3.596084e-04 0.000706 0.055211 0.053546
Gzmb -1.8469 4.9198 -41.606 6.436800e-12 1.598600e-08 18.097 5.7934 5.8635 5.8686 3.9655 3.9610 4.0665 1.628337e-06 4.948437e-06 0.000266 0.025729 0.025346
df['bh_FDR'] = multipletests(df['student_t_test'],method="fdr_bh")[1]
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B WT_1_log2CPM WT_2_log2CPM WT_3_log2CPM KO_1_log2CPM KO_2_log2CPM KO_3_log2CPM student_t_test welch_t_test paired_t_test bon_FDR hs_FDR bh_FDR
D17H6S56E-5 -3.0830 9.3418 -97.669 2.276800e-15 3.597600e-11 25.102 10.8880 10.9120 10.8500 7.7671 7.8119 7.8218 2.461504e-08 2.647881e-08 0.000083 0.000389 0.000389 0.000367
Scd1 -2.2133 6.1060 -50.068 1.151200e-12 9.095200e-09 19.799 7.2574 7.1911 7.1920 5.0828 4.9264 4.9864 1.624300e-06 3.688665e-05 0.000142 0.025666 0.025285 0.000715
Coro2a -1.4558 7.9154 -46.998 2.073900e-12 1.092300e-08 19.285 8.6433 8.6614 8.6256 7.1924 7.2202 7.1495 3.738815e-07 1.024245e-05 0.000051 0.005908 0.005887 0.000537
Plxnb2 -2.9373 3.6346 -42.033 5.854300e-12 1.598600e-08 17.639 5.0743 5.1443 5.1107 2.2122 2.2622 2.0040 3.494130e-06 3.596084e-04 0.000706 0.055211 0.053546 0.001062
Gzmb -1.8469 4.9198 -41.606 6.436800e-12 1.598600e-08 18.097 5.7934 5.8635 5.8686 3.9655 3.9610 4.0665 1.628337e-06 4.948437e-06 0.000266 0.025729 0.025346 0.000715
df['bh_FDR2'] = multipletests(df['P.Value'],method="fdr_bh")[1]
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B WT_1_log2CPM WT_2_log2CPM WT_3_log2CPM KO_1_log2CPM KO_2_log2CPM KO_3_log2CPM student_t_test welch_t_test paired_t_test bon_FDR hs_FDR bh_FDR bh_FDR2
D17H6S56E-5 -3.0830 9.3418 -97.669 2.276800e-15 3.597600e-11 25.102 10.8880 10.9120 10.8500 7.7671 7.8119 7.8218 2.461504e-08 2.647881e-08 0.000083 0.000389 0.000389 0.000367 3.597572e-11
Scd1 -2.2133 6.1060 -50.068 1.151200e-12 9.095200e-09 19.799 7.2574 7.1911 7.1920 5.0828 4.9264 4.9864 1.624300e-06 3.688665e-05 0.000142 0.025666 0.025285 0.000715 9.095056e-09
Coro2a -1.4558 7.9154 -46.998 2.073900e-12 1.092300e-08 19.285 8.6433 8.6614 8.6256 7.1924 7.2202 7.1495 3.738815e-07 1.024245e-05 0.000051 0.005908 0.005887 0.000537 1.092323e-08
Plxnb2 -2.9373 3.6346 -42.033 5.854300e-12 1.598600e-08 17.639 5.0743 5.1443 5.1107 2.2122 2.2622 2.0040 3.494130e-06 3.596084e-04 0.000706 0.055211 0.053546 0.001062 1.598640e-08
Gzmb -1.8469 4.9198 -41.606 6.436800e-12 1.598600e-08 18.097 5.7934 5.8635 5.8686 3.9655 3.9610 4.0665 1.628337e-06 4.948437e-06 0.000266 0.025729 0.025346 0.000715 1.598640e-08

most commonly used FDR methods

Usually you can significant results using the BH method. Other methods tend to be more conservative, hard to say which one is more conservative, it depends on number of samples and the actual p-value ranks.

  • BH

  • Bonferroni

## One-way ANOVA
from scipy.stats import f_oneway
def anova(r):
    return f_oneway(r[WT_column_names],r[KO_column_names]).pvalue
df['anova'] = df.apply(anova,axis=1)
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B WT_1_log2CPM WT_2_log2CPM WT_3_log2CPM KO_1_log2CPM KO_2_log2CPM KO_3_log2CPM student_t_test welch_t_test paired_t_test bon_FDR hs_FDR bh_FDR bh_FDR2 anova
D17H6S56E-5 -3.0830 9.3418 -97.669 2.276800e-15 3.597600e-11 25.102 10.8880 10.9120 10.8500 7.7671 7.8119 7.8218 2.461504e-08 2.647881e-08 0.000083 0.000389 0.000389 0.000367 3.597572e-11 2.461504e-08
Scd1 -2.2133 6.1060 -50.068 1.151200e-12 9.095200e-09 19.799 7.2574 7.1911 7.1920 5.0828 4.9264 4.9864 1.624300e-06 3.688665e-05 0.000142 0.025666 0.025285 0.000715 9.095056e-09 1.624300e-06
Coro2a -1.4558 7.9154 -46.998 2.073900e-12 1.092300e-08 19.285 8.6433 8.6614 8.6256 7.1924 7.2202 7.1495 3.738815e-07 1.024245e-05 0.000051 0.005908 0.005887 0.000537 1.092323e-08 3.738815e-07
Plxnb2 -2.9373 3.6346 -42.033 5.854300e-12 1.598600e-08 17.639 5.0743 5.1443 5.1107 2.2122 2.2622 2.0040 3.494130e-06 3.596084e-04 0.000706 0.055211 0.053546 0.001062 1.598640e-08 3.494130e-06
Gzmb -1.8469 4.9198 -41.606 6.436800e-12 1.598600e-08 18.097 5.7934 5.8635 5.8686 3.9655 3.9610 4.0665 1.628337e-06 4.948437e-06 0.000266 0.025729 0.025346 0.000715 1.598640e-08 1.628337e-06
## One-way ANOVA
from scipy.stats import f_oneway
def anova(r):
    return f_oneway(r[WT_column_names],r[KO_column_names],r[WT_column_names+KO_column_names]).pvalue
df['anova2'] = df.apply(anova,axis=1)
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B WT_1_log2CPM WT_2_log2CPM WT_3_log2CPM KO_1_log2CPM ... KO_3_log2CPM student_t_test welch_t_test paired_t_test bon_FDR hs_FDR bh_FDR bh_FDR2 anova anova2
D17H6S56E-5 -3.0830 9.3418 -97.669 2.276800e-15 3.597600e-11 25.102 10.8880 10.9120 10.8500 7.7671 ... 7.8218 2.461504e-08 2.647881e-08 0.000083 0.000389 0.000389 0.000367 3.597572e-11 2.461504e-08 0.044245
Scd1 -2.2133 6.1060 -50.068 1.151200e-12 9.095200e-09 19.799 7.2574 7.1911 7.1920 5.0828 ... 4.9864 1.624300e-06 3.688665e-05 0.000142 0.025666 0.025285 0.000715 9.095056e-09 1.624300e-06 0.044609
Coro2a -1.4558 7.9154 -46.998 2.073900e-12 1.092300e-08 19.285 8.6433 8.6614 8.6256 7.1924 ... 7.1495 3.738815e-07 1.024245e-05 0.000051 0.005908 0.005887 0.000537 1.092323e-08 3.738815e-07 0.044393
Plxnb2 -2.9373 3.6346 -42.033 5.854300e-12 1.598600e-08 17.639 5.0743 5.1443 5.1107 2.2122 ... 2.0040 3.494130e-06 3.596084e-04 0.000706 0.055211 0.053546 0.001062 1.598640e-08 3.494130e-06 0.044804
Gzmb -1.8469 4.9198 -41.606 6.436800e-12 1.598600e-08 18.097 5.7934 5.8635 5.8686 3.9655 ... 4.0665 1.628337e-06 4.948437e-06 0.000266 0.025729 0.025346 0.000715 1.598640e-08 1.628337e-06 0.044610

5 rows × 21 columns

[ ]:

[ ]: