Quantify prime editor off-target activity for crispressoPooled experiments

usage: crispressoPooled_PE.py [-h] [-j JID] -a AMPLICON_BED -gRNA GRNA_BED -f
                              FASTQ_TSV --RTT RTT [--remove_PAM]
                              [--queue QUEUE] [-g GENOME]
                              [--genome_fasta GENOME_FASTA]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JID, --jid JID     enter a job ID, which is used to make a new directory.
                        Every output will be moved into this folder. (default:
  -a AMPLICON_BED, --amplicon_bed AMPLICON_BED
                        amplicon_bed required, name column need to match gRNA
                        bed (default: None)
                        gRNA_bed required, name column need to match amp bed
                        (default: None)
  -f FASTQ_TSV, --fastq_tsv FASTQ_TSV
                        gRNA_bed required (default: None)
  --RTT RTT             reverse transcription template. Note, this sequence is
                        used to check substitution rate caused by prime
                        editing, so for this parameter, you should use the
                        reverse complement sequence of the actual RTT sequence
                        in pegRNA (default: None)
  --remove_PAM          gRNA bed coord include PAM, but crispresso need to
                        remove PAM (default: False)
  --queue QUEUE         which queue to use (default: standard)

Genome Info:
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        genome version: hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10. By default,
                        specifying a genome version will automatically update
                        index file, black list, chrom size and
                        effectiveGenomeSize, unless a user explicitly sets
                        those options. (default: hg19)
  --genome_fasta GENOME_FASTA
                        genome fasta file (default:


Given off-target region, we quantify:

  1. indel frequency. Any insertion or deletion that overlap with cas9 cutting position, exactly the same as in crisprEsso --quantification_window_size 1 --quantification_window_center -3

  2. substitution rate. We quantify the first mismatch to the template sequence (i.e., expected mutated sequence). See the example below.



The 4th column (name column) in the following two files should match (case sensitive!)

All these bed files should be bed6 format.

1. Amplicon sequence bed file

The amplicon sequence can be downloaded from IDT. Assay.bed

chr2    57769587        57769832        HBGg22_Target09 0       +
chrX    120721125       120721318       HBGg22_Target122        0       +
chr7    14859651        14859845        HBGg22_Target105        0       +

2. gRNA bed file

Header starting with “#” is acceptable.

#chr    start   end     name    CHANGEseq_reads strand
chr1    171455834       171455854       HBGg22_Target01 1       -
chr1    235564562       235564582       HBGg22_Target02 1       -
chr10   21466883        21466903        HBGg22_Target03 1       +

if the bed file coordinates include PAM, please use --remove_PAM option when submitting the job.


In the jobID folder, you should be a summary stats csv file with columns showing the total reads and percentages of indel and subtitution. The percentage values are already multipled by 100.

sample  site    reads_total     is_indel_total  is_indel_percent        is_sub_total    is_sub_percent
xx      A       39445   14      0.035492457852706       15      0.038027633413613406
xx      B       61590   12      0.019483682415976103    10      0.0162364020133135
xx      C       10409   2       0.0192141416082236      12      0.1152848496493417


Copy fastq files, amplicon bed file, and gRNA bed file in the working dir and run the following:


export PATH=$PATH:"/home/yli11/HemTools/bin"

module load python/2.7.13

run_lsf.py --guess_input --single

crispressoPooled_PE.py -a 3AssayHBBALLOTs.bed -gRNA 3TargetHBBALLOTs.bed -f fastq.tsv --remove_PAM --RTT CTGAAGAGAAGTCT

code @ github.