Current observations/claims for CTCF in insulation potency and chromatin interactionΒΆ

  • Chromatin interactions are possibly formed by convergent CTCF pairs, although there are tandom CTCF pairs. But the chances of a loop with convergent pair is 3 times higher than a tandem pair.

  • In terms of insulation potency, the number of CTCF sites is important, more sites means more insulation power. But these observation is tested using core TAD boundary CTCF sequences.

  • Replacing TAD boundary CTCF sequences with non-TAD boundary CTCF sequences significantly reduced insulation power. And it seems the +/- 20bp flanking sequences of the 19bp CTCF motif is the key. One known motif is the CTCF-upstream motif, which binds to a Znic-Finger protein.

  • Disruption of the CTCF-upstream motif did not affect CTCF binding.


  1. [Loop competition and extrusion model predicts CTCF interaction specificity](

  2. [Many facades of CTCF unified by its coding for three-dimensional genome architecture](

  3. [Promoter-proximal CTCF binding promotes distal enhancer-dependent gene activation](

  4. [CTCF mediates dosage- and sequence-context-dependent transcriptional insulation by forming local chromatin domains](

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