Published statistics about genome biology


These statistics aim to provide a reference for your cutoffs.

average distance between enhancer and target genes


95th percentile distance from all positive cCRE-gene pairs

These distance cutoffs ranged from 120 kb (RNAPII ChIA-PET in HeLa) to 1.83 Mb (Hi-C in K562).


` the median genomic distances of the positive pairs are 46,934 bp in K562 and 37,556 bp in MCF-7 `

` and ~91% of loop anchors were associated with either a promoter or an enhancer29, as expected, with a median distance of 130 kb `

``` However, the distance between a target gene and its regulatory elements can be as far as 2 or 3 Mb (Krivega and Dean 2012)

For the MCF7 and Hippo data, the average distances between a target gene and its farthest enhancer were 246 and 99 kb, respectively ```

``` The median distance between loop anchor midpoints was 255 kb, and nearly 10% were over 1 Mb in size (Supplementary Fig. 2b). This established a map of chromatin loops in human pancreatic islets


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