Docker your applications


Install Docker Desktop on MAC or WINDOWS.

For MAC, simply drag the to Application folder is not enough, you have to click and run the app so that the docker will be added to the system bin.

For WINDOWS, you need restart computer, just follow the installation prompts.


docker images

docker login

docker tag firstimage YOUR_DOCKERHUB_NAME/firstimage

docker push YOUR_DOCKERHUB_NAME/firstimage

docker exec test /bin/sh -c "ls data"

docker exec -i test bash <

Ways to use existing docker as a test

I have my previous easy-prime docker. It is for prime editing. But users come to me a lot for just sgRNA design. I modified my code a little bit and I don’t want to build a docker image from scratch. This is how I test my code and build new image:

# First, create a testing container to test my code, my easy-prime will always use 80, so I have to create a new port. The resulting new link is:
docker container create -p 80:80 -p 90:90 -v /e/Docker/easy_gRNA_design:/app2 --name tmp3 liyc1989/easy_prime
# I can then using docker desktop to open a terminal, go to app2 and test my code.
# remember for your docker file, you need to change its port to 90 for testing

# Then, once the code is finished, we need to create a new container and replace the old files in "app" folder.
docker container create -p 80:80 --name tmp4 liyc1989/easy_prime
# suppose your are in your working dir
docker cp tmp4:/app
docker cp config.yaml tmp4:/app
docker cp tmp4:/app

# Last, create new image and push to docker hub
docker commit tmp4 easy_ngg_design
docker login
docker tag easy_ngg_design liyc1989/easy_ngg_design
docker push liyc1989/easy_ngg_design

code @ github.