Gene expression heatmap

usage: [-h] -f INPUT --sort_by SORT_BY
                                [-c1 VALUE_CUTOFF_MAX] [-c2 VALUE_CUTOFF_MIN]
                                [--index_by INDEX_BY]
                                [--remove_cols REMOVE_COLS] [-o OUTPUT] [-pdf]
                                -W WIDTH -H HEIGHT [--fontsize FONTSIZE]
                                [--linewidths LINEWIDTHS] [--log2_transform]

plot heatmap given dataframe.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f INPUT, --input INPUT
                        data table input (default: None)
  --sort_by SORT_BY     usually this column should be logFC (default: None)
  -c1 VALUE_CUTOFF_MAX, --value_cutoff_max VALUE_CUTOFF_MAX
                        subset genes by filtering out values above the cutoff,
                        usually it should be p-value, input should be:
                        column_name,value (default: None)
  -c2 VALUE_CUTOFF_MIN, --value_cutoff_min VALUE_CUTOFF_MIN
                        subset genes by filtering out values below the cutoff,
                        usually it should be log p-value, input should be:
                        column_name,value (default: None)
  --index_by INDEX_BY   if the first column is not the correct index, which
                        one? (default: None)
  --remove_cols REMOVE_COLS
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output table name (default:
  -pdf                  plot pdf instead of png, can be slower for large
                        dataset (default: False)
  -W WIDTH, --width WIDTH
                        Figure width, maximal use 200, usually 8 to 20
                        (default: None)
  -H HEIGHT, --height HEIGHT
                        Figure height, maximal use 200, usually 10 to 50
                        (default: None)
  --fontsize FONTSIZE   you can choose from 8 to 20 (default: 10)
  --linewidths LINEWIDTHS
                        you can choose from 0, 0.1 (default: 0.1)
  --log2_transform      input values will be log2 transformed (default: False)
  --show_name           by default, >100 genes, name will not be shown, this
                        option enforce to show name (default: False)


This program won’t do clustering on genes or samples, purely put your input to a heatmap where each gene’s expression values across different samples are z-normalized. When the number of genes is less than 100, it will show the gene name. Otherwise, just a heatmap.


The input file can be csv or tsv, the separator will be automatically inferred by the program.

The first column should be gene name or any sort of unique IDs.

The first row should be column names.

The other columns should be gene expression values. Non-relevant columns can be removed by --remove_cols option.

gene    logFC   AveExpr t       P.Value adj.P.Val       B       WT_1_log2CPM    WT_2_log2CPM    WT_3_log2CPM    KO_1_log2CPM    KO_2_log2CPM    KO_3_log2CPM
D17H6S56E-5     -3.083  9.3418  -97.669 2.2768E-15      3.5976E-11      25.102  10.888  10.91210.85     7.7671  7.8119  7.8218
Scd1    -2.2133 6.106   -50.068 1.1512E-12      9.0952E-09      19.799  7.2574  7.1911  7.192   5.0828  4.9264  4.9864
Coro2a  -1.4558 7.9154  -46.998 2.0739E-12      1.0923E-08      19.285  8.6433  8.6614  8.62567.1924    7.2202  7.1495


Using the above example, we want to remove columns --remove_cols AveExpr,t,P.Value,adj.P.Val,B.

We also want to sort our data matrix by --sort_by logFC. Note that this option will also remove this column.

Depending on your data matrix size,in my example, I have 2004 genes and 6 samples, I’m using the figure size -W 8 -H 25.


module load python/2.7.13 -f fdr01.csv --remove_cols AveExpr,t,P.Value,adj.P.Val,B --sort_by logFC -W 8 -H 25 -pdf -o test_heatmap

You can control font size using --fontsize option.

plot top diff genes after diff gene pipeline:


module load python/2.7.13 -f --index_by ext_gene -c1 qval,0.001 --sort_by logFC --remove_cols pval,num_aggregated_transcripts,X,treatment_mean,control_mean -W 5 -H 20 --show_name


for i in *.csv;do -f $i --index_by ext_gene -c1 qval,0.001 --sort_by logFC --remove_cols pval,num_aggregated_transcripts,X,treatment_mean,control_mean -W 5 -H 20 --show_name -o $i;done


Input table looks like:


gene,logFC,AveExpr,t,P.Value,qval,B,NT_rep1,NT_rep2,VHLKO_rep107_log2CPM,VHLKO_rep2 PFKFB4,4.4497,5.0765,-76.651,6.29E-33,6.93E-30,63.675,3.1112,3.0504,7.5219,7.5368

The command is: -f input.csv -c1 qval,0.001 --sort_by logFC --remove_cols P.Value,AveExpr,t,B -W 5 -H 20 --show_name

code @ github.