Volcano plot for logFC and P-value/FDR

usage: HemTools volcano_plot [-h] [--short] [--no_email] -f INPUT [-j JID]
                             [-s SEPERATOR] [--LFC_column LFC_COLUMN]
                             [--LFC_cutoff LFC_CUTOFF]
                             [--LFC_axis_name LFC_AXIS_NAME]
                             [--FDR_column FDR_COLUMN]
                             [--FDR_cutoff FDR_CUTOFF]
                             [--FDR_axis_name FDR_AXIS_NAME] [--title TITLE]
                             [--do_not_submit] [--output_figure OUTPUT_FIGURE]

Named Arguments


Force to use the short queue, don’t use it for volcano_plot

Default: False


Not for end-user

Default: False

-f, --input

data table to be plot

-j, --jid

enter a job ID, which is used to make a new directory. Every output will be moved into this folder.

Default: “{{subcmd}}_docs_2024-04-22”

Named Arguments

-s, --seperator

column seperator, comma(,), space(” “), or tab( )

Default: “,”


column name for log fold change

Default: “LFC”


log fold change cutoff

Default: “2”


The axis name for log fold change

Default: “LFC”


column name for p-value or FDR

Default: “FDR”


p-value or FDR cutoff

Default: “0.01”


The axis name for p-value or FDR

Default: “FDR”


Figure title

Default: “Volcano plot”


EnhancedVolcano is installed on rhel7 nodes, by default you are on rhel6 nodes, unless you did hpcf_interactive -q standard, please don’t use this option.

Default: False


output file name

Default: “Volcano_plot_docs_2024-04-22.png”


Input file

INPUT: data table (-f option, required).

This is a data table, could be csv (default) or tsv. Seperator is provided by user. Basically, two columns (provided by user) will be used to make volcano plot.



    module load python/2.7.13

    ## for differential peaks

HemTools volcano_plot -f diffPeaks_output.txt -s "\t" --LFC_column logFC --FDR_column adj.P.Val

## for diffGene pipeline output

HemTools volcano_plot -f H2_vs_H1.gene.final.combined.tpm.csv -s , --LFC_column logFC --FDR_column qval


Once the figure is made, it will be emailed to you.

Report bug

Once the job is finished, you will be notified by email with some attachments. If no attachment can be found, it might be caused by an error. In such case, please go to the result directory (where the log_files folder is located) and type:

HemTools report_bug

R code

If you are not satisfied with the figure (figsize, dpi, point size, etc), here’s the source code for you to customize your figure.

 4args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
 6input_table = args[1]
 7seperator = args[2]
 8LFC_column = args[3]
 9LFC_cutoff = as.numeric(args[4])
10LFC_axis_name = args[5]
11FDR_column = args[6]
12FDR_cutoff = as.numeric(args[7])
13FDR_axis_name = args[8]
14Title = args[9]
15output_figure = args[10]
17if (seperator == "\\t"){
18    res <- read.csv(input_table, header=TRUE,sep="\t")
20    res <- read.csv(input_table, header=TRUE,sep=seperator)
23print (head(res))
24rownames(res) = res[,1]
25keyvals <- rep('black', nrow(res))
27names(keyvals) <- rep('Not Significant', nrow(res))
30keyvals[which(res[LFC_column] > LFC_cutoff & res[FDR_column] < FDR_cutoff)] <- 'red'
31names(keyvals)[which(res[LFC_column] > LFC_cutoff & res[FDR_column] < FDR_cutoff)] <- 'Increased'
34keyvals[which(res[LFC_column] < -LFC_cutoff & res[FDR_column] < FDR_cutoff)] <- 'blue'
35names(keyvals)[which(res[LFC_column] < -LFC_cutoff & res[FDR_column] < FDR_cutoff)] <- 'Decreased'
37f <- function(y) seq(floor(min(y)), ceiling(max(y)))
39    lab = rownames(res),
40    selectLab =c(""),
41    x = LFC_column,
42    y = FDR_column,
43    xlab = LFC_axis_name,
44    ylab = FDR_axis_name,
45    title = Title,
46    colOverride = keyvals,
47    colConnectors = 'grey50',
48    pCutoff = FDR_cutoff,
49    FCcutoff = LFC_cutoff,
50    transcriptPointSize = 3,
51    transcriptLabSize = 3.0)+ scale_y_continuous(breaks = f)+ scale_x_continuous(breaks = f)
53ggsave(output_figure,dpi=600,device ="pdf")
56    lab = rownames(res),
57    selectLab =rownames(res)[which(names(keyvals) %in% c("Increased","Decreased"))][1:10],
58    x = LFC_column,
59    y = FDR_column,
60    xlab = LFC_axis_name,
61    ylab = FDR_axis_name,
62    title = Title,
63    colOverride = keyvals,
64    colConnectors = 'grey50',
65    pCutoff = FDR_cutoff,
66    FCcutoff = LFC_cutoff,
67    transcriptPointSize = 3,
68    transcriptLabSize = 3.0)+ scale_y_continuous(breaks = f)+ scale_x_continuous(breaks = f)
70ggsave(paste(output_figure,".withNames.pdf",sep=""),dpi=600,device ="pdf")

Latest R code


input_table = "20copy_vs_Jurkat.gene.final.combined.tpm.csv"
seperator = ","
LFC_column = "logFC"
LFC_cutoff = 2
LFC_axis_name = "LFC"
FDR_column = "qval"
FDR_cutoff = 0.01
FDR_axis_name = "-logFDR"
Title = "20copy vs Jurkat"
output_figure = "Volcano_plot_yli11_2020-12-03.pdf"

if (seperator == "\\t"){
  res <- read.csv(input_table, header=TRUE,sep="\t")
  res <- read.csv(input_table, header=TRUE,sep=seperator)

print (head(res))
rownames(res) = make.unique(as.character(res[,4]))
keyvals <- rep('black', nrow(res))

names(keyvals) <- rep('Not Significant', nrow(res))

keyvals[which(res[LFC_column] > LFC_cutoff & res[FDR_column] < FDR_cutoff)] <- 'red'
names(keyvals)[which(res[LFC_column] > LFC_cutoff & res[FDR_column] < FDR_cutoff)] <- 'Increased'

keyvals[which(res[LFC_column] < -LFC_cutoff & res[FDR_column] < FDR_cutoff)] <- 'blue'
names(keyvals)[which(res[LFC_column] < -LFC_cutoff & res[FDR_column] < FDR_cutoff)] <- 'Decreased'

sel_df = res[which((abs(res[LFC_column]) > LFC_cutoff)&(res[FDR_column] < FDR_cutoff)),]

sel_df[FDR_column] = -log10(sel_df[FDR_column])

f <- function(y) seq(floor(min(y)), ceiling(max(y)))
    lab = rownames(res),
    # selectLab = c("Ets1","Nfix","Hmga2","Lpl","Il10ra","Cdkn2a","Irs2","Il1b","Socs3","Pdcd1","Mmp8","Il18","Ccnd1","Lgals3","Bcl2l11", "Ccl5","Gzmb","Bax","Mdm2","Chek2"),
    selectLab = c(""),
    # check_overlap = T,
    x = LFC_column,
    y = FDR_column,
  xlab = LFC_axis_name,
  ylab = FDR_axis_name,
    title = Title,
    colOverride = keyvals,
    colConnectors = 'grey50',
    pCutoff = FDR_cutoff,
    FCcutoff = LFC_cutoff,
    DrawConnectors = F,
    widthConnectors = 0.2,
    transcriptPointSize = 1,
    gridlines.major = TRUE, gridlines.minor = FALSE,
    transcriptLabSize = 3.0)+ scale_y_continuous(breaks = f)+ scale_x_continuous(breaks = f)+
  xlim(-10, 15)+
  ylim(0, 37)

pg <- ggplot_build(p)

sel_df['x'] = sel_df[LFC_column]
sel_df['y'] = sel_df[FDR_column]

p = p+geom_text_repel(data=sel_df[sel_df$x > 0,],aes(x=x,y=y,label=ext_gene),
point.padding = 0.2,
        nudge_x = 2,
    arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.015, "npc")),force=3)

p = p+geom_text_repel(data=sel_df[sel_df$x < 0,],aes(x=x,y=y,label=ext_gene),
point.padding = 0.2,
        nudge_x = -2,
    arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.015, "npc")),force=3)

ggsave(output_figure,dpi=600,device ="pdf")

code @ github.