Pathway visualization


  1. a good online server to search and visualize pathways containing a gene set

Q: is there a way to highlight up and down-regulated genes in this visualization

A: PathView from R is able to do it (only for KEGG pathways). First, go to to find a list of KEGG pathway ids that contain your query gene, and then run pathview.R

source activate single_cell


input_table = ""
seperator = ","
LFC_column = "logFC"

if (seperator == "\\t"){
        res <- read.csv(input_table, header=TRUE,sep="\t")
        res <- read.csv(input_table, header=TRUE,sep=seperator)

rownames(res) = make.unique(as.character(res[,1]))
print (head(res))
pathway_ids = c("04060","04061","04144","04151","04630","04640","04658","04659","05162","05166","05200")

for (i in pathway_ids){

pv.out <- pathview( = res[LFC_column],
gene.idtype = "ENSEMBL", = i, species = "hsa", same.layer = T,
out.suffix = i, keys.align = "y", kegg.native = T,res=600,key.pos = "bottomright")


code @ github.