Plot Enrichment dotplot

usage: [-h] -f INPUT -o OUTPUT -x X -y Y -c
                                  COLOR_BY -s SIZE_BY -W W -H H

plot enrichment dotplot given dataframe.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f INPUT, --input INPUT
                        data table input (default: None)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output (default: None)
  -x X                  X-axis (default: None)
  -y Y                  y-axis (default: None)
  -c COLOR_BY, --color_by COLOR_BY
                        color_by (default: None)
  -s SIZE_BY, --size_by SIZE_BY
                        size_by (default: None)
  -W W                  width (default: None)
  -H H                  heigh (default: None)


This python script is just a wrapper for R ggplot2. For cosmetic setting, please modify the generated .R file directly.


Input should be a tsv file.

Y       logFDR  enrichment      peaks
regulation of leukocyte degranulation   2.762334384964788       3.355918        NFIX-close
activation of MAPKKK activity   1.392819473287668       3.099571        NFIX-close
cell activation 1.1745266252543596      1.2919100000000001      NFIX-close
regulation of defense response  1.0343254907026753      1.300915        NFIX-close
response to biotic stimulus     1.0182154493732174      1.2527760000000001      NFIX-close
response to other organism      0.9941719618960897      1.253802        NFIX-close
cytoskeleton organization       0.9129401669292968      1.192971        NFIX-close
positive regulation of immune system process    0.86708967663595        1.218733        NFIX-close
B cell activation involved in immune response   0.6619875902942272      1.814427        NFIX-close


All parameters are required parameters. You have to specify X-axis column, Y-axis column, which column used to color, which color used to define dot size, and the output figure name and size. -f plot3.tsv -o test.pdf -x peaks -y Y -c logFDR -s enrichment -W 7 -H 8

R script

# module load R/3.6.1
df = read.table("plot3.tsv",header=TRUE,sep="   ")

## specifying Y-axis order
idx <- order(df[[orderBy]], decreasing = T)
df$Y <- factor(df$Y,levels=rev(unique(df$Y[idx])))

## specifying X-axis order
df$peaks <- factor(df$peaks, levels=c("NFIX-open", "NFIX-close", "ATAC-flanking-close"))

## main plot fuction
ggplot(df, aes_string(x="peaks", y="Y", size="enrichment", color="logFDR")) +
        geom_point() + scale_size_continuous(range = c(1, 10))+
        scale_color_continuous(low="blue", high="red", name = "logFDR",
                guide=guide_colorbar(reverse=F)) +ylab(NULL)+theme_dose(10)

## save file, width and height is important,useDingbats=FALSE, compatible with illustrator

code @ github.