Count indel integration pipeline (simplified version)


This pipeline simplifies the usage of count indel integration pipeline: here but it can only processes one gRNA per run.


1. gRNA bed file

gRNA_bed_file is a tab separated file, it should have 6 columns: chr, start, end, name, value (can be anything), strand

The coordinates for gRNA need to include the PAM sequence.

g34 has two occurrences in the genome, so its bed file look like below

chr11   5249956 5249975 HBG1    1       +
chr11   5254880 5254899 HBG2    2       +

Pre-define gRNA bed file

You can find the following gRNA bed file here:






When the job is finished, you will be notified by an email with QC report and a summary.csv for indel frequecies and different indel types.


Create a new working dir, put the fastq files in it (e.g., ln -s) and run the following.

Step 0: Login to a compute node.


Step 1: generate input file fastq.tsv using --guess_input

module load python/2.7.13

export PATH=$PATH:"/home/yli11/HemTools/bin"

# cd to your working dir --guess_input

Step 2: submit job -p count_integration2 -f fastq.tsv --gRNA_bed gRNA.bed


code @ github.