Convert a column to bigwiggle file

usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT] -f INPUT [--sep SEP] -c BW_COL
                   [-i INDEX_COL] [--split_index SPLIT_INDEX] -b BED
                   [-g GENOME] [-s CHROM_SIZE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output file name (default:
  -f INPUT, --input INPUT
                        data frame, header required (default: None)
  --sep SEP             this program can infer separator automatically, but it
                        may fail. Use auto if the input tables contain
                        different separators. (default: auto)
  -c BW_COL, --bw_col BW_COL
                        which col to convert to bw (default: None)
  -i INDEX_COL, --index_col INDEX_COL
                        which col to convert to bw (default: 0)
  --split_index SPLIT_INDEX
                        specifically designed, not generic (default: -999)
  -b BED, --bed BED     gRNA bed file, need strand info (default: None)

Genome Info:
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        genome version: hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10. By default,
                        specifying a genome version will automatically update
                        index file, black list, chrom size and
                        effectiveGenomeSize, unless a user explicitly sets
                        those options. (default: hg19)
  -s CHROM_SIZE, --chrom_size CHROM_SIZE
                        chrome size (default: /home/yli11/Data/Human/hg19/anno


This program will convert a numerical column to bigwiggle file.


Step 0: Load python version 2.7.13.

module load python/2.7.13 ucsc

Step 1: Run the command -f ABE_high_vs_low_mageck_RRA_results.sgrna_summary.txt -b gRNA.cutsite.bed --split_index -1 -c LFC --sep "\t" -g hg19 -o

Note that --split_index -1 is not a required option. If the bed file name column can match exactly to the dataframe index column, then no need for this option. However, in my example, the index column is chr19:13190675-TGCTGCCTGTGTAGAGGGCC, so I used re.split("\.|-|_|:")[split_index] to extract the actual sequences.


sgrna   Gene    control_count   treatment_count control_mean    treat_mean      LFC     control_var     adj_var score   p.low   p.high  p.twosided      FDR     high_in_treatment
chr19:13190675-TGCTGCCTGTGTAGAGGGCC     chr19:13190380-13190550 2.3734/6.9212   272.09/293.85   4.6473  282.97  5.652   10.342  11.686  81.417  1       0       0       0       True
chr11:5306112-TACTCATGGTCTATCTCTCC      chr11:5305920-5306090   252.76/250.89   2342.7/2282.8   251.83  2312.8  3.194   1.7444  1243.7  58.439  1       0       0       0       True
chr2:57948343-ACGAGGCCAGGAAGACACAG      chr2:57948080-57948230  386.86/415.27   2447.9/2378.2   401.07  2413    2.586   403.76  2167    43.221  1       0       0       0       True
chr11:5173389-TATCTGAATGACAAGCTGGT      chr11:5173040-5173250   59.334/50.179   623.5/674.32    54.756  648.91  3.543   41.907  204.44  41.554  1       0       0       0       True
chr11:5248516-AGGGCTGGGCATAAAAGTCA      chr11:5248300-5248490   192.24/174.76   1285.7/1348.1   183.5   1316.9  2.8366  152.79  853.54  38.795  1       0       0       0       True
chr11:5264509-GCACTGTAACAAGCTGCACG      chr11:5264320-5264470   315.66/176.49   1586.4/1585.5   246.07  1585.9  2.6832  9683.4  1210    38.519  1       0       0       0       True
chr11:5646581-TATCAGTGTGCACTCAAAGC      chr11:5646340-5646490   354.82/304.53   1641.8/1828.3   329.68  1735.1  2.3923  1264.2  1714.7  33.939  1       8.893e-253      1.7786e-252     1.5791e-249     True
chr11:5256103-TGCGGTGGGGAGATATGTAG      chr11:5255800-5255990   325.15/389.32   1837.3/1794.9   357.23  1816.1  2.3427  2058.9  1887.2  33.582  1       1.5248e-247     3.0495e-247     2.3691e-244     True
chr19:12952224-GCGGGGCCTATAAGAAGGCG     chr19:12952024-12952190 176.82/257.82   1332.8/1270.8   217.32  1301.8  2.5771  3280.6  1043.6  33.57   1       2.3175e-247     4.635e-247      3.2007e-244     True


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