Count indel integration pipeline


This pipeline performs the following analysis in order:

  1. trimmomatic PE

  2. flash

  3. bwa mem


Once the pipeline is finished, you will be notified by email.


Input file is a 4-col tsv file: R1 read, R2 read, output_name, gRNA_bed_file

CRL1403_S1_R1_001.fastq.gz      CRL1403_S1_R2_001.fastq.gz      CRL1403_S1      CTLA4_site_9.bed

The first 3 columns can be automatically generated using --guess_input option. Users have to fill in the last column.

The coordinates for gRNA need to include the PAM sequence.

gRNA_bed_file should be 6 columns: chr, start, end, name, value (can be anything), strand

12/6/2023 updates

To generate a summary table for Prism to create Manhattan plot, you first need a user label tsv file, user_label.tsv

The second column is the sample ID used in your fastq file. The first column is a user label, such as donor informatin.

xxx_Control     VK2379
xxx_Edit        VK2380
yyy_Control     VK2381
yyy_Edit        VK2382
yyy_Control     VK2383
yyy_Edit        VK2384

Then run:

# first, login to a compute node

module load python/2.7.13

export PATH=$PATH:"/home/yli11/HemTools/bin"

## Inside the count_integration jobID folder

8/5/2021 updates

FLASH can fail due to some reasons, including amplcion sequence length or noisy reads. In this case, you might want to just use R1 and R2, because the program use BWA to map to the genome, trimming reads may not be needed.

Same input, but to just use R1, run: -p count_integration_R1 -f fastq.tsv

Same input, but to just use R2, run: -p count_integration_R2 -f fastq.tsv

Also, if you would like to get allele frequency plot, generated by crispresso, you can follow the base_editor_amplicon_seq pipeline for more details.

1/26/2021 updates

Added a 5-th column (optional). When user has a large bed file, where each row is for a different fastq file, this option should save some time.

Input file is a 5-col tsv file: R1 read, R2 read, output_name, gRNA_bed_file, site_name

site name should match the 4th column in the bed file

CRL1403_S1_R1_001.fastq.gz      CRL1403_S1_R2_001.fastq.gz      CRL1403_S1      target.bed      EMX1_site1
banana.R1.fastq.gz      banana.R2.fastq.gz      banana  target.bed      banana_site3
orange.R1.fastq.gz      orange.R2.fastq.gz      orange  target.bed      EMX1_site1

The first 3 columns can be automatically generated using --guess_input option. Users have to fill in the rest columns.

The coordinates for gRNA need to include the PAM sequence.

gRNA_bed_file should be 6 columns: chr, start, end, name, value (can be anything), strand


Inside the Job ID folder, you can find individual result folder for each line specified in the input.

When the job is finished, you will be notified by an email with QC report.


How indel is determined

../../_images/count_indel_pipeline.png ../../_images/count_indel_cas9.png ../../_images/count_indel_cas12a.png

Optimal window size setting is from:

“We determined the optimal window size to be the size at which the median difference of calculated indel editing between treatment and control samples was less than 0.1%. Using this rationale, we find that an optimal window can be defined as +/- 8bp for Cas9 (Figure 3A) and +/- 12bp for Cas12a (Figure S5). However, we found that if the center of the Cas12a window is shifted -3bp from the PAM distal cut site, the optimal variant window can be decreased to +/- 9bp (Figure 3B).”


Create a new working dir, put the fastq files in (e.g., ln -s) and run the following.

Step 0: Login to a compute node.


Step 1: generate input file fastq.tsv using --guess_input

module load python/2.7.13

export PATH=$PATH:"/home/yli11/HemTools/bin" --guess_input

Step 2: manually add the bed file as the 4th column

Step 3: submit job -p count_integration -f fastq.tsv

default is cas9 setting, to choose other options, use: -p count_integration -f fastq.tsv --setting cas12a

g34 indel quantification --guess_input -f fastq.tsv -p count_integration_g34

code @ github.