Targeted methyl-seq amplicon analysis


This pipeline calculates DNA methylation % using crispresso.

Rationale: Bisulfite treatment converts all C into T, except methylated C, which usually occurs at CpG sites. Then the %C at CpG in the sequenced reads is the DNA methylation % at this site.



Use --guess_input to automatically generate this.

Banana_R1.fastq.gz      Banana_R2.fastq.gz      Banana_lovers
Orange_R1.fastq.gz      Orange_R2.fastq.gz      Orange_lovers

Converted amplicon sequence

Four requirements:

  1. The amplicon sequence is the sequence from forward primer to reverse primer (yellow sequence below).

  2. All C should be coverted to T except for CpG (dark green).

  3. The amplicon should be the forward-strand sequence. Otherwise the resulted bw file maybe incorrect.

  4. You need to provide the chromosome and start position (0-based) of your amplicon sequence in order to generate bw file.


Read length

Need read length in order to estimate FLASH min,max overlap length, to remove some low quality reads.


hpcf_interactive # login to compute node

module load python/2.7.13 -f fastq.tsv -a amp.fa --read_length 250 --genomic_chr chr11 --genomic_start 5271011

HBG1 amplicon run

First, go to your working dir: cd /research/dept/hem/common/sequencing/chenggrp/UHRF1_Yong_Weiss_collaboration/HUDEP2_data/Amplicon_BS/weissgrp_820508_Tagged_Amplicon-1

Everytime you run the same amplicon, you can safely copy and paste the following.

hpcf_interactive # login to compute node

module load python/2.7.13 --guess_input -f fastq.tsv -a /home/yli11/HemTools/share/misc/HBG1_methy.fa --read_length 250 --genomic_chr chr11 --genomic_start 5271011


Email notification will be sent once it is finished, which contains QC.stats.csv and Methylation_percentage.csv

code @ github.