RNA-seq alternative splicing pipeline


This pipeline performs the following steps:

  1. RNA-Seq De novo Assembly Using Trinity (https://github.com/trinityrnaseq/trinityrnaseq/wiki)

  2. Map de novo transcripts to genome using minimap2

  3. Quantify de novo transcripts abundance using kallisto


Trinity pipeline is very slow, may take weeks to finish.

De novo transcripts are not annotated, people can use the bam file from step2 to perform annotation.

Usually I just use this pipeline to check some specific genes, so I will just subset the bam file and visualize in IGV. I can manually check the abundance in the abundance.tsv using the read names from IGV.

samtools view -b trinity_gmap.st.bam chr8:87173540-87374477 > trinity_gmap.NFIX.bam

samtools index trinity_gmap.NFIX.bam



Use run_lsf.py --guess_input to automatically generate this.

Banana_R1.fastq.gz      Banana_R2.fastq.gz      Banana_lovers
Orange_R1.fastq.gz      Orange_R2.fastq.gz      Orange_lovers



module load python/2.7.13

run_lsf.py -f fastq.tsv -p trinity

Email notification will be sent once it is finished.


Outputs are generated for each fastq file, named as {label}_trinity_out

  1. step1 output file is Trinity.fasta. There are also many intermediate files from Trinity.

  2. step2 output file is {label}.st.bam, you can vis them in IGV.

  3. step3 output file is {label}_abundance/abundance.tsv

code @ github.