Analysis of Hi-C or HiChIP data

This pipeline is out-dated for HiC analysis, please use instead.

usage: [-h] [-j JID] [--hicpro] [--hicpro_config HICPRO_CONFIG]
                     [--hichipper_config HICHIPPER_CONFIG]
                     [--MAPS_config MAPS_CONFIG] [-a ANCHOR]
                     (-f FASTQ_TSV | --guess_input) [-g GENOME]
                     [-i INDEX_FILE] [-s CHROM_SIZE]
                     [--genomic_feat_filepath GENOMIC_FEAT_FILEPATH]
                     [-e DIGESTED_ENZYME] [--chr_count CHR_COUNT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JID, --jid JID     enter a job ID, which is used to make a new directory.
                        Every output will be moved into this folder. (default:
  --hicpro              only run hicpro (default: False)
  --hicpro_config HICPRO_CONFIG
  --hichipper_config HICHIPPER_CONFIG
  -a ANCHOR, --anchor ANCHOR
                        anchor list to search for interactions, if given, MAPS
                        will be run as well (default: None)
  -f FASTQ_TSV, --fastq_tsv FASTQ_TSV
                        tab delimited 3 columns (tsv file): Read 1 fastq, Read
                        2 fastq, sample ID (default: None)
  --guess_input         Let the program generate the input files for you.
                        (default: False)

Genome Info:
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        genome version: hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10. By default,
                        specifying a genome version will automatically update
                        index file, black list, chrom size and
                        effectiveGenomeSize, unless a user explicitly sets
                        those options. (default: hg19)
  -i INDEX_FILE, --index_file INDEX_FILE
                        bowtie2 index file (default:
  -s CHROM_SIZE, --chrom_size CHROM_SIZE
                        chrome size (default: /home/yli11/Data/Human/hg19/anno
  --genomic_feat_filepath GENOMIC_FEAT_FILEPATH
                        MAPS genomic_feat_filepath (default: /home/yli11/HemTo
                        digested_fragments hg19_MboI (default: MboI)
  --chr_count CHR_COUNT
                        chr_count (default: 22)


This program provides Hi-C or HiChIP data analysis. Currently, this program only works on hg19. Digestive enzyme can be Mbo1 or HindIII.

HiC uses HiCPro

HiChIP uses HiCPro+Hichipper and MAPS

FitHiC results added after HiCPro, results locate at hic_results/matrix


Go to your fastq files folder and do the following:


module load python/2.7.13 --guess_input

You will get the following message if everything goes as expected.

2019-08-27 17:49:37,043 - INFO - main - preparing input files
2019-08-27 17:49:37,044 - INFO - prepare_paired_end_input - Input fastq files preparation complete! ALL GOOD!
2019-08-27 17:49:37,044 - INFO - prepare_paired_end_input - Please check if you like the computer-generated labels in : fastq.tsv

run HiC analysis only -f fastq.tsv --hicpro

run HiChIP analysis (Hichipper only) -f fastq.tsv

run HiChIP analysis (Hichipper + MAPS) -f fastq.tsv -a anchor.bed


Once finished, you will be notified by email. All generated bw files are located in the job ID folder.

Each line in the fastq.tsv file will have a result folder in the jobID folder.

In each result folder (named using the third column in your fastq.tsv), you will see:

HiC analysis result: hicpro_results

HiChIP anallysis (HiChipper): hichipper_results. See: for output description.

HiChIP anallysis (MAPS): MAPS_output, feather_output. (not updated, very likely to be failed)

QC report

Multi-QC HTML report

You should be able to find multiqc_report.html in the hicpro_results folder.


HicPro QC figures

They are in hicpro_results/hic_results/pic/

There is a known bug that the labels in plotMapping.pdf are wrong:


Out of memory error

We requested 160G memory, but it may not be enough. In case that your data is partly processed, you can continue from where it stopped using the following commands:

cd /home/yli11/dirs/blood_regulome/chenggrp/Projects/tcells/HiC/HiC_2_3/hic_hichip_qqi_2020-02-24/Tcell_HiC_2_3/hicpro_results
time HiC-Pro -c hicpro.config.txt -i bowtie_results/bwt2 -o . -s proc_hic
time HiC-Pro -c hicpro.config.txt -i bowtie_results/bwt2 -o . -s quality_checks
time HiC-Pro -c hicpro.config.txt -i hic_results/data/ -o . -s merge_persample
time HiC-Pro -c hicpro.config.txt -i hic_results/data/ -o . -s build_contact_maps
time HiC-Pro -c hicpro.config.txt -i hic_results/matrix/ -o . -s ice_norm
source activate /home/yli11/.conda/envs/multiQC/
export LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8
export LANG=en_US.utf-8
multiqc .

code @ github.