MNase-based HiCHIP data analysis

usage: [-h] [-j JID] -f FASTQ_TSV -p PEAK_BED [-IntType INTTYPE]
                 [-BINSIZE BINSIZE] [-mapq_cutoff MAPQ_CUTOFF]
                 [-LowDistThr LOWDISTTHR] [-UppDistThr UPPDISTTHR]
                 [-UseP2PBackgrnd USEP2PBACKGRND] [-BiasType BIASTYPE]
                 [-MergeInt MERGEINT] [-QVALUE QVALUE] [-g GENOME]
                 [--bwa_index BWA_INDEX] [-s CHROM_SIZE]

RGT_HINT atac-seq footprint with bias correction

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JID, --jid JID     enter a job ID, which is used to make a new directory.
                        Every output will be moved into this folder. (default:
  -f FASTQ_TSV, --fastq_tsv FASTQ_TSV
                        3-col tsv, R1, R2, sample_ID (default: None)
  -p PEAK_BED, --peak_bed PEAK_BED
                        narrowpeak file (default: None)
  -IntType INTTYPE      #Interaction type - 1: peak to peak (CTCF) 2: peak to
                        non peak 3: peak to all (default, h3k27ac) 4: all to
                        all 5: everything from 1 to 4. (default: 3)
  -BINSIZE BINSIZE      # Size of the bins, in bases, for detecting the
                        interactions. (default: 2500)
  -mapq_cutoff MAPQ_CUTOFF
                        mapq_cutoff (default: 0)
                        Lower distance threshold of interaction between two
                        segments (default: 10000)
                        Upper distance threshold of interaction between two
                        segments (default: 2000000)
                        # Applicable only for peak to all output interactions
                        - values: 0 / 1 # if 1, uses only peak to peak loops
                        for background modeling - corresponds to FitHiChIP(S)
                        # if 0, uses both peak to peak and peak to nonpeak
                        loops for background modeling - corresponds to
                        FitHiChIP(L) (default: 1)
  -BiasType BIASTYPE    # parameter signifying the type of bias vector -
                        values: 1 / 2 # 1: coverage bias regression 2: ICE
                        bias regression (default: 1)
  -MergeInt MERGEINT    # following parameter, if 1, means that merge
                        filtering (corresponding to either FitHiChIP(L+M) or
                        FitHiChIP(S+M)) # depending on the background model,
                        would be employed. Otherwise (if 0), no merge
                        filtering is employed. (default: 1)
  -QVALUE QVALUE        FDR (q-value) threshold for loop significance
                        (default: 0.05)

Genome Info:
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        genome version: hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10. By default,
                        specifying a genome version will automatically update
                        index file, black list, chrom size and
                        effectiveGenomeSize, unless a user explicitly sets
                        those options. (default: hg19)
  --bwa_index BWA_INDEX
                        bwa index file (default: /home/yli11/Data/Human/hg19/i
  -s CHROM_SIZE, --chrom_size CHROM_SIZE
                        chrome size (default: /home/yli11/Data/Human/hg19/anno


Pipeline is adopted from:


Requires paired-end fastq files and a peak (narrowPeak format) file. If we are doing a CTCF HiChIP, then we should have done a CTCF ChIP-seq in order to have the CTCF narrowPeak file.


Go to your fastq files folder and do the following:


module load python/2.7.13 --guess_input -f fastq.tsv -p CTCF.bed -g hg19 -IntType 1 -f fastq.tsv -p H3k27ac.bed -g hg19 -IntType 3

1 means peak-to-peak interaction 3 means peak-to-all interaction (see help message for other types 1-5)


1. Library QC

See hichip_qc_summary.html. QC standards are:


Shallow Seq (20M)

Deep Seq (100-200M)

No-Dup Read Pairs



No-dup cis read pairs ≥ 1kb



Total reads in 1000 bp around center of peaks



NOTE: The FitHiCHIP author said if ``No-dup cis read pairs ≥ 10kb `` is around 10M, you should increase bin size (i.e., lower resolution) to 20kb in order to see more significant loops. I found if the value is near 50M, then 2.5kb or 5kb bin is OK; I’m aiming for 10k to 20k total interactions.

I also found this GATA1 HiCHIP data in mouse where they used juicer tools and identified 40K-80K interactions (I guess these are ALL to ALL interactions).

To just redo fithichip calling, modify the config file (hichip.config.txt) in the jobID folder and run the following:

Remember to change OutDir, otherwise the default output folder fithichip_results will be overwritten.

bsub -q priority -P Genomics -R 'rusage[mem=30000]' -J fit /home/yli11/Programs/FitHiChIP/ -C hichip.config.txt

2. Called interactions

*fithic.merged.counts.bedpe and *fithic.merged.pvalue.bedpe

FitHiChIP detailed results are provided in fihichip_results. It also provides a result summary html file.

For fitHiCHIP called interactions, 10k to 20k are already good numbers (Q value 0.05) because this tool is quite stringent.

The above files contain merged loops. We found the unmerged interactions seem to be better (more sensitive). You can find them in folders like fithichip_results/FitHiChIP_Peak2ALL_{binSize}_L10000_U2000000/P2PBckgr_0/Coverage_Bias/FitHiC_BiasCorr/*.interactions_FitHiC_{Q-value}.bed

3. Tracks visualization

In the upload folder, users can find:

  • read pairs bw files

  • macs2_peaks.narrowPeak: de-novo called peaks from HiCHIP data

  • fithic.merged.counts.bedpe: FitHiChIP called interactions

  • user-provided peak file

Users can run --current_dir -g $genome to upload these files to protein paint.


code @ github.