RNA-seq: differential gene expression analysis

usage: diffGenes.py [-h] [-j JID] -f FASTQ_TSV -d DESIGN_MATRIX
                    [--strandness STRANDNESS] [--paired] [--single]
                    [-g GENOME] [--nfcore_genome NFCORE_GENOME]
                    [-i INDEX_FILE] [--gene_info GENE_INFO]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JID, --jid JID     enter a job ID, which is used to make a new directory.
                        Every output will be moved into this folder. (default:
  -f FASTQ_TSV, --fastq_tsv FASTQ_TSV
                        TSV file, 4 columns, read 1, read 2, UID, group ID
                        (default: None)
  -d DESIGN_MATRIX, --design_matrix DESIGN_MATRIX
                        TSV file, 3 columns, group ID, group ID, output_prefix
                        (default: None)
  --strandness STRANDNESS
                        fr: first read forward or rf: first read reverse
                        (default: None)
  --paired              if paired is used, then user should only have 2 groups
                        in the design matrix file and the paired info is
                        automatically extracted from fastq.tsv based on
                        ordered group sample list (default: False)
  --single              for single-end RNA-seq (default: False)

Genome Info:
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        genome version: hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10 (default: hg19)
  --nfcore_genome NFCORE_GENOME
                        genome version: hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10 (default: hg38)
  -i INDEX_FILE, --index_file INDEX_FILE
                        Kallisto index file (default:
  --gene_info GENE_INFO
                        gene info t2g file for sleuth (default: /home/yli11/Da


This pipeline is based on Kallisto - Sleuth.

11/29/2022 Updates: added --paired for paired test

1/5/2023 Updates: added --single for single-end rna-seq data.


1. fastq tsv

This file contains 4 columns. The first 3 columns are read1.fastq.gz, read2.fastq.gz, and a UID for output. The 4th column is a group ID, which is used for differential gene expression analysis between any two groups.

You can use run_lsf.py --guess_input to generate the first 3 columns and then add the 4th column manually.

An example is shown below.

1000004_RFR005_S5_R1.fastq.gz   1000004_RFR005_S5_R2.fastq.gz   1000004_RFR005_S5       h1
1000002_RFR003_S3_R2.fastq.gz   1000002_RFR003_S3_R1.fastq.gz   1000002_RFR003_S3       h1
1000000_RFR001_S1_R2.fastq.gz   1000000_RFR001_S1_R1.fastq.gz   1000000_RFR001_S1       h1
1000003_RFR004_S4_R2.fastq.gz   1000003_RFR004_S4_R1.fastq.gz   1000003_RFR004_S4       h2
1000005_RFR006_S6_R1.fastq.gz   1000005_RFR006_S6_R2.fastq.gz   1000005_RFR006_S6       h2
1000001_RFR002_S2_R1.fastq.gz   1000001_RFR002_S2_R2.fastq.gz   1000001_RFR002_S2       h2


For single-end RNA-seq data, please keep the second column as empty and add the --single parameter.

Paired test

If user added --paired, then the paired info is assumed to be the sample list in fastq.tsv. In the above example, 1000004_RFR005_S5 and 1000003_RFR004_S4 will be the same replicate (e.g., replicate0) and 1000002_RFR003_S3,1000005_RFR006_S6 is replicate1

2. design matrix

This is similar to peak_call.tsv. The columns are group 1, group 2, output prefix.

h1      h2      h1_vs_h2

Each line will be used as a comparison. For example, if you have three groups and possibly 3 comparisons (e.g., 1 vs 2, 1 vs 3, and 2 vs 3), then you can write down the comparisons in three lines. Again, this is same as the peak_call.tsv.


module load python/2.7.13

diffGenes.py -f fastq.tsv -d design.matrix -g hg19


RNA-seq QC

We use nf-core/rnaseq (https://nf-co.re/rnaseq/usage) for RNA-seq QC. This pipeline provides a very comprehensive QC checks for sequencing quality (fastqc), mapping quality (STAR, RSEM), and gene library quality (pre-seq for library complexity, mapped read category, e.g., exon% vs intron%, visualization of gene qualityfication, heatmaps and PCA plots). Please check out {{jid}}/nfcore_RNA_seq_results/multiqc/star_rsem/multiqc_report.html

Differential gene analysis results

We generate _sleuth folder for each comparison specified in the design matrix.

_sleuth contains differential analysis and normalized TPM/read count (ext_count) information for both transcript-level and gene-level.

Fold change is calculated based on both TPM and ext_count, but they should be very similar to each other. TPM is recommended.

Use {{output_name}}.transcript.final.combined.tpm.csv for transcript level estimation.

Use {{output_name}}.gene.final.combined.tpm.csv for gene level estimation. Gene level is more accurate.

For volcano plot of differential genes, see volcano

For replicate correlation, see replicate_correlation folder. Pairwise replicate scatter plots based on log2TPM is provided as the pdf files. PCA plot can be found in the html file.

For GO enrichment, pathway analysis, go to GO_pathway_analysis folder. Enrichment analysis is based on |logFC|>=1 and fdr<=0.05.

A known problem

Unlikely to happend. This piece of information is not for end-user.

Calling Rscript from conda env will actually modify two files, namely ldpaths and Makeconf. And there is no solution to let R not modifying these files, as discussed in https://github.com/conda-forge/r-base-feedstock/issues/67.

Since I give 777 permission to my R program, users using this pipeline will actually change the status of these file, which make it un-accessible to me or other users. One possible solution is to let the user gives 777 again to these files, so that other people can use it again. However, I predict that if multiple users run this pipeline at the same time, it can cause a permission error again.

Report bug

$ HemTools report_bug



Using TPM to compare samples

See discuss here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rsem-users/jJaeaSRG1eo

Basically, TPM is a technology-independent measurement because it is just a relative abundance, so it can be used to compare gene expression across different samples. However, in order to say a gene is truely differentially expressed, you have to have absolute gene expression, therefore, DESEQ2, EdgeR, sleuth, etc. need to be used for that purposes, they can give you a normalized TPM.

That means:

  1. to get differentially expressed genes/transcripts, we need to apply statistical tests, e.g. using sleuth

  2. for data visualization, e.g. heatmap, PCA, we can just use TPM and gene-level TPM (ref: Differential analyses for RNA-seq: transcript-level estimates improve gene-level inferences)

Build costum Kallisto index for human or mouse

Now, there is a much easier way to build index:

(captureC) [yli11@noderome146 gencodev42]$ kb ref ~/Data/Human/hg38/fasta/hg38.main.fa gencode.v42.annotation.gtf.gz -i hg38.gencode42.idx -g hg38.gencode42.t2g -f1 hg38.gencode42.cDNA.fa
[2022-11-29 11:18:17,508]    INFO [ref] Preparing /home/yli11/Data/Human/hg38/fasta/hg38.main.fa, gencode.v42.annotation.gtf.gz
[2022-11-29 11:19:34,163]    INFO [ref] Splitting genome /home/yli11/Data/Human/hg38/fasta/hg38.main.fa into cDNA at /research/rgs01/home/clusterHome/yli11/Data/Human/hg38/index/kallisto/gencodev42/tmp/tmpxqkzsshb
[2022-11-29 11:20:20,737]    INFO [ref] Concatenating 1 cDNAs to hg38.gencode42.cDNA.fa
[2022-11-29 11:20:21,428]    INFO [ref] Creating transcript-to-gene mapping at hg38.gencode42.t2g
[2022-11-29 11:20:23,994]    INFO [ref] Indexing hg38.gencode42.cDNA.fa to hg38.gencode42.idx
(captureC) [yli11@noderome146 gencodev42]$ ll -rht
total 3.7G
-rwxr-x--- 1 yli11 chenggrp  48M Oct 19 07:39 gencode.v42.annotation.gtf.gz
-rwxr-x--- 1 yli11 chenggrp 450M Nov 29 11:20 hg38.gencode42.cDNA.fa
-rwxr-x--- 1 yli11 chenggrp  20M Nov 29 11:20 hg38.gencode42.t2g
-rwxr-x--- 1 yli11 chenggrp 3.2G Nov 29 11:28 hg38.gencode42.idx


  1. cDNA.fa

  2. your custom gene .fa

  3. t2g gene transcript to gene name file

Human and Mouse cDNA.fa can be found below:





t2g file can be found at: https://hemtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/Data/hemtools_data.html


cat your.fa cDNA.fa > custom_genome.fa

module load kallisto/0.43.1

kallisto index -i custom_genome.idx custom_genome.fa

For the t2g file, add a new line specifying your custom gene like below:

target_id       ens_gene        ext_gene
hgcOPT  hgcOPT  edited_IL2RG

Run diffGenes.py

diffGenes.py -f fastq.tsv -d design.matrix -g custom -i /home/yli11/dirs/hgcOPT_insulator/Data/Kallisto_index_add_IL2RG/hg19_hgcOPT.idx --gene_info /home/yli11/dirs/hgcOPT_insulator/Data/Kallisto_index_add_IL2RG/hg19.ensembl_v75.t2g





code @ github.