Inspection of multi-mapped reads

bamtools filter -in -out multi_mapped.bam -tag “NH:>=2”


Most programs will discard or ignore multi-mapped reads, such as cellRanger, featureCount (default), GATK, etc. Some programs considers multi-mapped reads such as kallisto, salmon, MACS2.

If duplication rate is high, for example, if STAR mapping statistics show less than 75% uniquely mapped reads, you might want to check if you have too many rRNA or chrM.

This program also checks the HBG region.

In addition, this program will count number of reads mapped to hemoglobin genes.


Currently, this pipeline only work on hg19.


Go to your data directory and type the following.

Step 0: Load python version 2.7.13.

$ module load python/2.7.13

Step 1: Prepare input files, generate fastq.tsv.

$ -f bam_list.tsv -g hg19

Sample input format


This is a tab-seperated-value format file. The 2 columns are: bam file and output name.

path_to_bam1    output_name1
path_to_bam2    output_name2


Once the job is finished, you will receive an email with the statistics attached.

Basically, it shows the number (and percentage) of multi-mapped reads that are mapped to HBG, chrM, and rRNA. It also shows number of reads (including multi-mapped reads) mapped to hemoglobins.

*.flag256.uniq.txt is the total number of multi-mapped reads, same as the number reported in STAR.

*.flag256.{region}.uniq.txt is the number of multi-mapped reads in the input region, which is HBG, chrM, or rRNA.

flag256 means secondary alignment. For multi-mapped reads, only the first match will be set as primary alginment. So this is a parameter to extract multi-mapped reads.

Number of multi-mapped reads is shown in *.multi.uniq.txt.

Number of mapped reads in hemoglobin gene is shown in *.hem.uniq.txt

A multiQC report is attached in the email showing fastqc and %align to the genes by Kallisto.

You can also go inside the jobID folder and do head *tsv to check the top mapped region or exons.


code @ github.