Single-end ChIP-seq

usage: HemTools chip_seq_single [-h] [-j JID] [--short] [--debug] [-f INPUT]
                                [-d DESIGN_MATRIX] [--guess_input]
                                [-i INDEX_FILE] [-g GENOME] [-b BLACKLIST]
                                [-s CHROM_SIZE] [-e EFFECTIVEGENOMESIZE]

Named Arguments

-j, --jid

enter a job ID, which is used to make a new directory. Every output will be moved into this folder.

Default: “{{subcmd}}_docs_2024-04-18”


Force to use the short queue. (only if R1+R2 fastq.gz size <=250M)

Default: False


Not for end-user.

Default: False

-f, --input

tab delimited 3 columns (tsv file): Read 1 fastq, Read 2 fastq, sample ID

-d, --design_matrix

tab delimited 3 columns (tsv file): treatment sample ID, control sample ID, peakcall ID


Let the program generate the input files for you.

Default: False

Genome Info

-i, --index_file

BWA index file

Default: “/home/docs/checkouts/”

-g, --genome

genome version: hg19, hg38, mm10, mm9.

Default: “hg19”

-b, --Blacklist

Blacklist file

Default: “/home/docs/checkouts/”

-s, --chrom_size

chrome size

Default: “/home/docs/checkouts/”

-e, --effectiveGenomeSize

effectiveGenomeSize for bamCoverage

Default: “2451960000”


Go to your data directory and type the following.

Step 0: Load python version 2.7.13.

$ module load python/2.7.13

Step 1: Prepare input files, generate fastq.tsv.

$ HemTools chip_seq_single --guess_input

    Input fastq files preparation complete! ALL GOOD!
    Please check if you like the computer-generated labels in : fastq.tsv
    Input peakcall file preparation complete! File name: peakcall.tsv


If you are preparing fastq.tsv and peakcall.tsv yourself, please make sure no space anywhere in the file. Note that the seperator is tab. Spaces in file name will cause errors.

Step 2: Check the computer-generated input list (manually), make sure they are correct.

$ less fastq.tsv

$ less peakcall.tsv


a random string will be added to the generated files (e.g., fastq.94c049cbff1f.tsv) if they exist before running step 1.

Step 3: Submit your job.

$ HemTools chip_seq_single -f fastq.tsv -d peakcall.tsv

Sample input format


This is a tab-seperated-value format file. The 2 columns are: Read 1, sample ID.



This is also a tab-seperated-value format file. The 3 columns are: treatment sample ID, control/input sample ID, peakcall ID.


Quality Control

The quality metrics are provided in the html report. For ChIP-seq data, we also provide strand cross-correlation metrics (i.e., those attached pdf files).













Report bug

Once the job is finished, you will be notified by email with some attachments. If no attachment can be found, it might be caused by an error. In such case, please go to the result directory (where the log_files folder is located) and type:

$ HemTools report_bug

Use different genome index

$ HemTools chip_seq_single -f fastq.tsv -d peakcall.tsv -i YOUR_GENOME_INDEX

Duplicate reads


code @ github.