scJupyter for single cell integration, annotaiton, modeling and reporting

Tested in mouse scRNA-seq and CITE-seq data.

Current analysis steps

  1. combine multiple 10x outputs

  2. performance integration without Harmony batch correction

  3. generate 2D and 3D PCA/UMAP.

    • user can check if batch correction is needed.

  4. cell type annotation

    • scCatch

    • hscScore

    • clustifyr

    • known marker

    • de novo marker

  5. GO/pathway enrichment for de novo marker

  6. pairwise DEG/DA analysis

  7. cluster size differences

Future steps

gene network



The first input is a yaml file specifying all parameters.


[yli11@nodecn203 single_cell_rwu_2021-05-10]$ head -n 20 input.yaml
# global parameters
outputLabel: rick_test2
species: Mouse
known_markers: /home/yli11/HemTools/share/misc/markers.tsv
mouse_scRNA: /home/yli11/HemTools/share/misc/NicheData10x.rda
cite_seq: FALSE
sample_info: input.tsv


This is a 2-col tsv file. First column is sample name and the second name is the abs/relative path to 10x output.

[yli11@nodecn203 single_cell_rwu_2021-05-10]$ head input.tsv
Root_no_diff    2175650_R2-69-3_S13_results/2175650_R2-69-3_S13/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix
NT_gRNA_diff    2175649_R2-69-2_S12_results/2175649_R2-69-2_S12/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix
mKLF1_gRNA_diff 2175648_R2-69-1_S11_results/2175648_R2-69-1_S11/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix



module load python/2.7.13

# prepare the input and go do your working dir -p scJupyter -m 40000


All output figures and tables are stored in scJupyter_[outputLabel]_[Data] folder. HPC log files are stored in the jid folder.

Notes on SCTransform

Great disscussions have been made here where the Seurat author was initially thought DE on SCTransform-ed data is better and then sticked to the log-normalization, scale-data, and findmarker approach on the RNA assay (i.e., raw counts).

I also found that DE on SCT data gave more DEGs but the percentage of expressed cell on the original data is so low.

code @ github.