Variant identification on RNA-seq data


Need more than 25M mapped reads for variant calling. Currently, this pipeline only work on hg19.

usage: [-h] [-j JID] [--pipeline_type PIPELINE_TYPE]
                               [-d DEPTH_FILTER]
                               (-f FASTQ_TSV | --guess_input) [-g GENOME]
                               [--STAR_index STAR_INDEX]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JID, --jid JID     enter a job ID, which is used to make a new directory.
                        Every output will be moved into this folder. (default:
  --pipeline_type PIPELINE_TYPE
                        Not for end-user. (default: rna_seq_variant_call)
  -d DEPTH_FILTER, --depth_filter DEPTH_FILTER
                        filter variants by read depth (default: 10)
  -f FASTQ_TSV, --fastq_tsv FASTQ_TSV
                        tab delimited 3 columns (tsv file): Read 1 fastq, Read
                        2 fastq, sample ID (default: None)
  --guess_input         Let the program generate the input files for you.
                        (default: False)

Genome Info:
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        genome version: hg19. Only working for hg19 (default:
                        genome version: hg19. Only working for hg19 (default:


Perform RNA-seq variant calling using STAR alignment followed by the GATK pipeline and the samtools/bcftools pipeline.

The GATK pipeline is optimized for RNA-seq data.

The samtools/bcftools pipeline is a general-purpose variant calling pipeline for NGS data.




Go to your data directory and type the following.

Step 0: Load python version 2.7.13.

module load python/2.7.13

Step 1: Prepare input files, generate fastq.tsv. --guess_input

    Input fastq files preparation complete! ALL GOOD!
    Please check if you like the computer-generated labels in : fastq.tsv


If you are preparing fastq.tsv yourself, please make sure no space anywhere in the file. Note that the seperator is tab. Spaces in file name will cause errors.

Step 2: Check the computer-generated input list (manually), make sure they are correct.

$ less fastq.tsv


a random string will be added to the generated files (e.g., fastq.94c049cbff1f.tsv) if they exist before running step 1.

Step 3: Submit your job. -f fastq.tsv

Read depth

By default, variants that have less than 10 read depth will be filtered. You can increase the threshold using -d option.

Sample input format


This is a tab-seperated-value format file. The 3 columns are: Read 1, Read 2, sample ID.



Final filtered VCF files are located in the final_results folder.

{{output_name}} is the result from the GATK pipeline.

{{output_name}} is the result from the samtools/bcftools pipeline.

Variant calling comparing to WT

With --WT option, you can filter out low-confident variant using a WT RNA-seq data. Same pipeline was used to generate the figure below in our ABE paper.

../../_images/RNA_seq_ABE_editing.png -f fastq.tsv -WT Hudep2_WT

Output is in compare_result/*all_passed_variants.csv.


code @ github.